When normal people cheat its a natural response


Adultery Cheating Relationships Infidelity Natural Response Normal People

Eps 34: When normal people cheat its a natural response


In the podcast, psychologist Dr. Andrea Bonior explains that cheating can be a natural response for "normal" people, not just narcissists or sociopaths. She describes how situational factors, such as a lack of sexual fulfillment or emotional connection in a relationship, can lead to cheating. Dr. Bonior also addresses the shame and guilt that often follow infidelity and offers suggestions for how couples can work through it. She emphasizes the importance of honesty, communication, and seeking therapy if needed. Overall, the podcast aims to destigmatize cheating and provide a better understanding of why it happens.

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Everett Pena

Everett Pena

Podcast Content
When we think of cheating, we often associate it with negative connotations and a sense of betrayal. However, recent studies have shown that cheating is a natural response that even normal people can experience. In this podcast, we will explore the reasons behind why people cheat, the psychological effects of cheating, and how we can deal with it in our personal lives.

One of the primary reasons why people cheat is due to a lack of emotional and physical fulfillment in their current relationship. When we feel neglected or unappreciated, it's natural to seek validation and attention elsewhere. This can often lead to an affair or infidelity. However, it's important to note that cheating is not always a reflection of the person being cheated on. Rather, it's a natural human response to our innate desire for love and connection.

Another reason why people cheat is due to a lack of self-control or impulse control. Our brains are wired to seek pleasure and instant gratification, which can lead to impulsive behavior. When we find ourselves in situations where we're presented with the opportunity to cheat, it can be challenging to resist the temptation. This is especially true for people who struggle with addiction or compulsive behaviors.

The psychological effects of cheating can be devastating for both the cheater and the person being cheated on. For the cheater, there is often a sense of guilt, shame, and remorse. They may also experience feelings of anxiety and depression as they try to come to terms with their actions. For the person being cheated on, the effects can be even more severe. They may experience trauma, betrayal, and a loss of trust in their partner. This can lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

So how can we deal with cheating in our personal lives? The first step is to acknowledge that cheating is a natural response and that it's not always a reflection of the person being cheated on. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with our partners about our needs and desires, and to work together to create a fulfilling and satisfying relationship. If cheating does occur, it's important to seek professional counseling and support to help heal the wounds and move forward.

In conclusion, cheating is a natural response that even normal people can experience. It's important to understand the reasons behind why people cheat, the psychological effects of cheating, and how we can deal with it in our personal lives. By acknowledging our innate desire for love and connection, and working together to create fulfilling and satisfying relationships, we can navigate the complex emotions of cheating and come out stronger on the other side.