What the Virgin Mary told that God wants his children to be saints


Virgin Mary God's Children Saints Podcast Divine Message Spiritual Guidance

Eps 23: What the Virgin Mary told that God wants his children to be saints

The Moments About the Virgin Mary in the Role as the Mother of God

In a 10-minute podcast titled "What the Virgin Mary told, God wants his children to be saints," the speaker discusses a message supposedly received from the Virgin Mary. The main point conveyed is that God desires all of his children to strive for holiness and become saints. The podcast delves into the significance of this message, emphasizing how it applies to all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. The speaker encourages listeners to embrace a path of sanctification and offers guidance on how to achieve it. The podcast concludes by emphasizing the universal call to sainthood and the profound impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole.

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Roger Marshall

Roger Marshall

Podcast Content
Title: What the Virgin Mary Revealed: God Wants His Children to Become Saints

In this thought-provoking podcast, we explore the profound message conveyed by the Virgin Mary, emphasizing that God desires all His children to strive for sanctity. As a timeless figure revered by many different faiths, the significance of her words resonates across cultures and religions. Through her divine wisdom, the Virgin Mary illuminates the path towards becoming saints, urging us to embrace virtues and live a life full of love and service. Join us as we delve into the teachings of the Virgin Mary and uncover the essence of true holiness.

Paragraph 1: The Blessing of Divine Insight
The Virgin Mary's revelation emphasizes the loving nature of God, who desires every individual to be a saint. Her message offers divine insight into the purpose and potential of human life, extending an invitation to embrace goodness, seek personal transformation, and cultivate virtues that mirror God's own nature. The importance of recognizing this divine call and heeding its significance cannot be overstated.

Paragraph 2: Embracing Virtues as a Path to Sanctity
Central to the Virgin Mary's message is her call to embrace virtues wholeheartedly. The journey towards sainthood involves consistently striving to practice virtues such as humility, compassion, patience, forgiveness, and selflessness. These virtues not only deepen our relationship with God but also enable us to positively impact the lives of those around us. By embodying these virtues, we can bear witness to God's love in the world.

Paragraph 3: Loving and Serving Others
Another integral aspect of the Virgin Mary's message is the emphasis on love and service. To become saints, we must extend our love beyond our immediate circles and reach out to those in need. This selfless act of love reflects the very essence of God's nature. By responding to the call to serve others, we can emulate the compassionate heart of God and contribute to the betterment of society.

Paragraph 4: Prayer and Spiritual Relationship
The Virgin Mary teaches us that developing a strong spiritual relationship with God through prayer is indispensable. Regular prayer and communion with God allow us to align our lives more closely with His divine will. Through prayer, we experience profound peace, guidance, and inspiration, making us better equipped to navigate life's challenges. This deepened connection with the divine enables us to understand and embody the qualities necessary for sanctity.

Paragraph 5: Embracing Trials with Faith
The Virgin Mary reminds us that the path to sainthood is not without its challenges. However, it is through these trials that our faith is refined. As we withstand difficulties with unwavering faith, our character molds into one that mirrors God's own heart. Therefore, we should not shy away from trials but rather embrace them, knowing that they provide opportunities for spiritual growth and eventual sanctification.

In conclusion, the Virgin Mary's message resounds across time, crossing the boundaries of faith and culture. Her words remind us that God desires all His children to become saints. By embracing virtues, practicing love and service, deepening our relationship with God through prayer, and persevering through trials with faith, we can embark on a transformative journey towards sainthood. As we internalize this profound wisdom, let us strive to be more like the saints of old, seeking to emulate their holiness and dedicating our lives to honoring God in all that we do.