Stand-up Comedy


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Eps 550: Stand-up Comedy

The too lazy to register an account podcast

A lot more comedians became popular and started performing various live and TV shows.
Getting The Joke: The Art of Stand-up Comedy .
College comedians can mock those groups "liberal" students deride-Evangelical Christians, Scientologists, working-class rural males-yet they dare not even flirt with jokes about race, gender, and sexuality.

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Dylan Stephens

Dylan Stephens

Podcast Content
A lot more comedians became popular and started performing various live and TV shows.Getting The Joke The Art of Standup Comedy.College comedians can mock those groups "liberal" students derideEvangelical Christians, Scientologists, workingclass rural malesyet they dare not even flirt with jokes about race, gender, and sexuality.Mystery Musical An American comedy from the 1950s. Dear Stu" The show was inspired by a fictional character who appeared on such television as Guy Fawkes' spoofed in 1849 that he could stand up to all kinds Of Monsters for laughs. I hope you enjoy this one!
Standup comedy, comedy that generally is delivered by a solo performer speaking directly to the audience in some semblance of a spontaneous manner.Hope and the Borscht Belt comics established the classic standup style that dominated popular entertainment well into the television era, when it became a staple of television variety programs such as The Ed Sullivan Show.Bruce's death from a drug overdose in 1966 solidified his legend and made him an inspiration for a new generation just coming of age in the turbulent late 1960s.I am honored today with my final tribute at this year't. I hope you enjoy your participation on our show!Thanks again
In her special, Leslie Jones jokes about how 20 year olds shouldn't be out marching for anything, they should be living their lives.Her first Netflix special after decades of performing, Saturday Night Live alum Leslie Jones brings a slightly subdued version of her intoxicatingly voluminous energy to a walk through the stages of life, plotted out in decades from her exuberant 20s to her current "don't give a fuck" 50s.Whitmer Thomas, a 30yearold musiciancomediansad guy, takes the stage at a bar in Alabama where his mother, who passed away several years ago, used to perform music with her twin sister.Cameron Lee Smith is also present. She plays drums and guitar while she performs as an actor on The Simpsons.