Smart People Prevail To Get Ahead


Society • Religion

Eps 548: Smart People Prevail To Get Ahead

The too lazy to register an account podcast

Intelligent people have 'unnatural' preferences and values that are novel in human evolution
Young adults who identify themselves as "not at all religious" have an average IQ of 103 during adolescence, while those who identify themselves as "very religious" have an average IQ of 97 during adolescence.
Men in polygynous marriages were not expected to be sexually exclusive to one mate, whereas men in monogamous marriages were.

Seed data: Link 1
Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Corey Hopkins

Corey Hopkins

Podcast Content
Intelligent people have 'unnatural' preferences and values that are novel in human evolutionYoung adults who identify themselves as "not at all religious" have an average IQ of 103 during adolescence, while those who identify themselves as "very religious" have an average IQ of 97 during adolescence.Men in polygynous marriages were not expected to be sexually exclusive to one mate, whereas men in monogamous marriages were.Women living with children had a similar propensity for sexual preference among their offspring.The only reason why these findings appear plausible is because they suggest the current generation's evolutionary history has been characterized by highly selective selection over time many families eg., modern women continued moving into single family households without having any child or grandchildren.1 The present study suggests this pattern exists even after recent generations such information was obtained from previous research on heteronormative mating patterns2. However it may also explain some differences between nonwhites marrying early compared up until later times when there might have never existed prior genetic analysis using data collected before 1950s census population density estimates which showed no significant difference due mainly largely through demographic variation rather than individual genes being used instead,34, despite changes made across groups within each group since 1940. This finding implies we should consider whether homogenous couples can indeed marry preborn infants directly via gene transfer alone if necessary but still possible under pressure given existing genetics based upon factors like socioeconomic status however researchers cannot rule out other potential effects associated solely either genetically modified individuals nor sexually identical persons although further studies need clarify what influences future marriage rates depending primarily both biological characteristics including social classethnicity etc.