Eps 56: Sleep


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Daisy Shelton

Daisy Shelton

Podcast Content
If you don't sleep well, bad things happen, and identifying and treating the underlying causes can help you get the better sleep you deserve. Sleep is a multidisciplinary specialty because it affects all organs of the body, from the brain to the heart, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, muscles, skin, bones, joints and more.
Poor sleep can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, heart attack and other serious health problems, as well as other health problems.
Nocturnal melatonin production, which plays a key role in the body's circadian rhythm, is also altered. Studies have shown that drinking alcohol at night reduces the production of human growth hormone , which not only plays the role of circadian rhythms, but also has many other key functions. Alcohol is known to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, heart attack and other serious health problems by disrupting sleep patterns.
Melatonin is a key hormone that tells the brain when it's time to relax and go to bed. Melatonin is often used to treat insomnia and is possibly one of the easiest ways to fall asleep faster. This summary should avoid alcohol as it can reduce the production of melatonin at night.
In one study, taking 2 mg of melatonin before bedtime helped people fall asleep faster and improved sleep quality and energy the next day. In another study, in which half of the group fell asleep faster, an improvement of sleep quality of 15% was found.
Long noontime naps disturb the body's own clock, making it difficult to fall asleep later in the night. One reason is that the deeper the sleep cycle, the longer we enter it and the less sleep we get.
Without sleep, we cannot form or maintain the pathways in our brain that allow us to learn and create new memories, and it is harder to focus and react quickly. Experts say that nap, which lasts about 15 to 20 minutes, is generally fine, but not as long as a full sleep. They generally improve mood, increase alertness, increase creativity, boost cognitive performance, reduce fatigue, improve sleep quality and increase energy levels.
Recent findings suggest that sleep plays a role in the household, removing toxins in the brain that build up during waking. Sleep is responsible for a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells or neurons communicate with each other. It affects everything from memory, attention, concentration, decision making and memory processing to mood, memory and attention.
You can start with small changes and work your way up to healthy sleeping habits, also known as sleep hygiene. In this category you will find concrete measures you can take to fall asleep quickly and easily, to sleep well and to wake up rested. Falling asleep is as simple as turning the bedroom into a place of relaxation and comfort. But remember, it's not all or nothing, and it doesn't have to be all about the bedroom.
This may seem obvious, but many of us throw and turn and throw and struggle to get the sleep we need. This contributes to our difficulty falling asleep and sleeping through, as well as our anxiety and depression.
If you are wide awake at 3am, it seems impossible to get a good night's sleep, but the cure for your sleep problems is often found in your daily routine. Unhealthy daily habits and lifestyle choices can have a negative impact on you and make you swirl and spin through the night. How you feel during your waking time often depends on how well you sleep at night, and you have more control over it than you probably realize.
By experimenting with the following tips, you can improve your health, improve your thinking and feeling during the day and sleep better at night.
Try to sleep at different times for the same number of hours, but be sure to get up and get back to your normal sleep / wake up schedule, such as 6: 30 or 7: 00. M. M., London. There is nothing wrong with getting up and sleeping at the same time during the day, so don't hesitate to follow a regular sleep / wake up plan and Just change your sleep schedule by an hour or two. If you sleep better, you can even sleep in another part of the night and wake up in the morning.
If you wake up at different times all the time, it is almost impossible for your body to get used to a healthy sleep routine. Taking control of your daily sleep schedule is an important step towards better sleep. Set a fixed alarm time: Set a wake-up time, stick to it and set it for weekends and other days when you might otherwise be tempted to sleep off.
If you want to make sure you get the recommended amount of sleep every night, you need to incorporate time into your schedule. Consider setting up a sleep plan and incorporating physical activity into your daily routine.