

Lifestyle • Gardening

Eps 1: Permaculture


The focus of permaculture is not on each separate element, but rather on the relationships created among elements by the way they are placed together; the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts .
Permaculture design seeks to minimize waste , human labor, and energy input by building systems, and maximizes benefits between design elements to achieve a high level of synergy .
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Miriam Lucas

Miriam Lucas

Podcast Content
Permaculture looks at everything we do in life and tries to make it more sustainable for many future generations. Many people who practice it today refer to it as permaculture, which means the use of natural resources such as soil, plants, animals and plants. Permaculturally productive ecosystems that exhibit the diversity, stability, and resilience of a natural ecosystem are defined by the movement's founding fathers as "permaculturally" or "macro-sustainably," in the words of Robert E. Howard.
Permaculture, a combination of the words "permanent farm" and "agriculture," offers an alternative to traditional agricultural systems such as agriculture, livestock farming and other forms of agriculture. Permacultures are much more than agricultural systems; they are the embedding of a system of life into our lives.
This knowledge can be applied to the design of a constructed ecosystem that serves the needs of the human population without harming the natural environment and without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
Permaculture is the process of shaping human settlements and agricultural systems according to the relationships found in natural ecology. It is based on ecological and biological principles and often uses patterns found in nature to maximize impact while minimizing wasted energy. Permaculture sites integrate plants, animals, landscape structures and people into a symbiotic system in which the products of one element serve the needs of another.
Permaculture aims to create a stable and productive system that takes human needs into account and integrates the country harmoniously with its inhabitants. It is not for farmers or permaculture enthusiasts, but it can be used by almost anyone and help us create a sustainable future. So you can still do it in real life and how it works in the real world.
Permaculture and organic gardening and landscape maintenance have some similarities, but there are also some significant differences between the two. Permaculture and biology in gardening and landscaping have shown similarities.
Permaculture is more than just creating attractive spaces that yield edible crops. It is also about acting responsibly to protect ecosystems and long-term sustainability, to give back to nature and to benefit the environment as a whole. Permaculture, widely regarded as the coolest form of ecological gardening, could be better described as being based on universal ethics and ecological design principles. While the primary focus of PermACulture is on the preservation of the natural environment and the protection of natural resources such as soil and water, the same ethical principles can be applied to the design of buildings, tools and technologies.
The application of PermACulture ethics and principles to our gardens and homes will inevitably lead to a redesign of our way of life that is more in line with local surpluses and boundaries.
The principles of permaculture teach us how to design a way of life that has the stability and resilience of natural systems. PermACulture is also an opportunity for individuals, groups and networks to work together to create the world we want, taking into account our needs and organizing our lives in harmony with nature. We have shown that we can create a more sustainable, sustainable and sustainable world with less pollution and less waste.
PermACulture is a multidisciplinary art form based on a wide range of disciplines including architecture, design, ecology, engineering, economics, psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, history and more.
PermACulture is an approach to agricultural design that focuses on thinking across the entire system, using and simulating the patterns of nature. In this article you will learn what permaculture is and what it is all about. The ethical foundations that guide permaculture are simple but powerful: care for the earth, share the surpluses, care for people, and so on.
Thirty years ago, the philosophy of permaculture was developed in Australia by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The term was first used in 1978 with DavidHolmgreren and is still used in the United States, Canada and Australia.
Bill Mollison witnessed the destruction of natural systems by man and also had the opportunity to observe how important it is to keep them in balance. He published a book called Permaculture One, which introduced a new approach to creating a sustainable human environment based on close observation of the natural system. What he describes in his book is a completely integrated design system based on nature.
Permaculture is a forward-looking design system based on the principles of nature, such as the use of natural resources, natural processes and the balance between human and natural systems.
The aim is to create a harmonious, sustainable and productive living environment that at the same time significantly reduces the work and energy required to maintain it. But beyond these basic, shared principles, it is also dynamic, personal, and localized. At its core, permaculture is permeated by a sense of community and a desire to care for the people around us.