Eps 1: internal fight

internal fight

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Valerie Steward

Valerie Steward

Podcast Content
This archetype arises when something becomes synonymous with the genre and the result is inevitable. Being in an internal conflict can be as much a part of history as being in an external conflict. One can refer to most internal conflicts, but not all, especially when the results are inevitable, as in the case of war.
The simplest type of external conflict is when one character in a story physically fights another character. The most common type, external conflicts, is where the protagonist defends himself against an antagonist whose tactics impede his advancement.
In contrast, internal conflict is a kind of internal struggle that affects the mental and emotional state of the main character. Internal conflicts set the character against his own mind and heart and set him against himself, which is why he is often called character self-character. External conflicts are defined as struggles that behave like internal conflicts, such as the struggle between the protagonist and his inner self.
When an external conflict takes place between a person or someone or something else, an internal conflict is against the self of the character. Internal conflicts take place within a unit that is separate from the protagonist's character such as mind, heart, body or soul.
The fundamental difference between internal and external conflicts is what happens within the character or what happens outside. It remains a primary external conflict for a character to overcome, and a secondary internal conflict between the protagonist and the outside world.
External conflicts provide a lot of tension and motivation, but internal conflicts are the way to really get to who the character is and what she wants. Real people also have many small internal conflicts, and if you give your characters a few small ones, you can make them more real to the reader. Internal conflicts are important because they develop the main character, making her feel more realistic and sympathetic to her readers. There is nothing wrong with internal conflicts, as long as they are brought to the fore.
Second, one of the main obstacles to internal conflict is that the world is never promised what would be fair. Most, if not all, of the characters have a desire, and the Force will constantly push them in different directions to appease them. External conflicts can pit a character against his own internal conflict and force him to renegotiate his beliefs and priorities. As we have seen in internal conflicts, the problem is not always self-inflicted; the character must make decisions based on his feelings, not on what he wants.
When internal conflicts escalate into war, the path to peace requires multilateral action, not just military action. It was accepted that multilateral action has a role to play in preventing armed conflict and in negotiating peace agreements for internal conflicts.
If your characters have strong motivations and you create internal and external conflicts that make it difficult for them to achieve these goals, you will make a great story. Internal conflicts are what cause the reader to emotionally engage with the characters. If your character's motivations lead to action and this action leads to internal or external consequences, then your reader is with you if these consequences lead to further internal / external conflicts.
This unrest is called an internal conflict and is something that people unfortunately create for themselves. It is said that there are various aspects of deep emotional experience that need to be addressed, and I say that this is one of them.
We can look at some of these categories, although more than one internal conflict or external conflict seems to be classified. These categories overlap and are fluid, but they can still help us understand the different ways in which internal conflicts can manifest.
We will break down both internal and external conflicts as we will see them, and see the different faces of these conflicts, including internal conflicts, external conflicts and internal conflicts in action. We can see some excellent writing tools for action, but we will look at 10 great internal conflict examples that best illustrate the compelling internal conflicts on screen.
As we can see in the example above, the story contains a multitude of conflicts that play out on all levels, from the core question to the major level to the minor level. Although all occur in some form within a story, this style of conflict has the potential to carry the full weight of the plot.
External conflicts, on the other hand, are characterized by the fact that they find forces from outside that impede their progress. This conflict is called an external conflict and is a problem, an antagonism or struggle that takes place between a character and an external force.
Offred's internal conflict exists because she is forced to do so by Gilead's brutal injustice. Internal conflicts create internal conflict because in such a situation there is no way to win and you are stuck. When we are dealing with internal conflicts, we often feel that we can best resolve them if we somehow lose. Because in external conflicts, we win or lose in the end and are forced to accept this result.