Eps 5: How business owners correctly delegate their tasks to outsourcing

Master of everything and nothing concrete

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Jordan Morrison

Jordan Morrison

Podcast Content
Eliminating micro-management has given Walker the opportunity to pursue projects at a higher level that actually help attract new customers, become more efficient, and train more people not only to do the things they do, but also to do them better so that the customer is not neglected. Walker suggests starting with smaller, less important tasks and leaving them with more important things until they show they can do it the same way you can. He suggests starting with small, less important tasks and then starting to give people more of them, even if they have to show you that they can "do" them. Evaluate your employees regularly and advise them on how to be even more successful with the tasks you delegate.
Learning how to delegate effectively is key to leveraging and multiplying your enterprise value. delegation gives you the opportunity to focus on the tasks that will help your business grow, including planning and developing a strategy for the future of your business, "he says.
Each individual is assigned something, such as a task or a project, and delegation allows you to move from what you can do personally to what can be managed by those who can.
Delegating joint, time-consuming tasks to lower-level employees or contractors is one of the most effective methods of delegation, because it allows efficient entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers to focus on more effective tasks that require their full attention. If entrepreneurs can hand over tasks that they normally give to competent employees, they will have more free time and less stress.
What is the position of small business owners in delegating tasks to those with whom they work? When asked whether they rated their personal ability to delegate responsibility to others, 65% of respondents said they rated it either "good" or "very good."
Imagine six levels of the delegation, take 10 things and see which of them could fall into each of those six levels. If you do, you will see that it gives you clues as to where the problem lies and which provider you may need to hire to get things done. If you go up a level, if you outsource and do what I say, you move from real delegation to real outsourcing and then to outsourcing.
Setting up a virtual assistant is one of the first and most important settings you can make as an entrepreneur. Fancy Hands connects you to a US-based virtual assistant who can help you complete certain tasks such as booking trips, paying bills and more. If you don't have a specific task that I can assign you, you will continue to waste valuable time and energy on activities that don't really contribute to the growth of your business.
The only person in your company who will turn out to be someone is your team, not the virtual assistant or anyone else.
Entrepreneurs who start their business on their own often have a hard time trusting others with their baby. There is nothing wrong with building a scalable business that continues to grow even when you are not working.
It seems like a risky thing, but if you look at it that way, it's really not that risky.
Hiring an employee in the house would probably be a waste of resources, and it is therefore important to delegate tasks that take up time. Start by logging your weekly activities and then consider tasks that do not require your level of skills or expertise. If you have many annoying tasks for your company to do, taking on these tasks can be too time consuming and time consuming.
In some cases you may be able to automate these tasks easily, but if not, you should definitely think about outsourcing. However, before you decide to outsource this task, it is important to be aware of what you need to do and how to do it. To do this, you need to know you have the outsourced help to work for you, says Dr. Anders Andersen, an expert in outsourcing and business management at the University of California, Berkeley.
Often you can select a freelancer to work with to ensure that the work you receive is up to standard.
As an entrepreneur, it is difficult to manage everything perfectly, and over time you will find yourself burnt out, overstressed and backsliding. Delegating the authority to perform the necessary tasks to qualified persons outside your company can help your company to grow and succeed.
Do what is best for your company and start to give responsibility to your employees - workers and employees. There is nothing worse than a manager delegating something to an employee and then blaming the employee when something goes wrong.
Check the work you are assigning to your staff when it is complete and make sure they are doing it correctly. When someone completes a delegated task or project, he shows real appreciation and shows the specific things he has done right and well. Give them the feedback they need to improve the task ahead.