Eps 1639: How ai can boost your life

The too lazy to register an account podcast

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Stacey Pena

Stacey Pena

Podcast Content
Such technologies depend on high-level machine learning algorithms and extremely high-level programming, data sets, databases, and computer architecture. Machine learning, deep learning, and other AI technologies are already being used to lower the workload of humans in manufacturing, packaging, customer support, and human resources, among other areas. Natural language processing, for instance, is making it possible for companies to employ chatbots to handle customer service, and deep learning is capable of recognizing and sorting images posted to Snapchat.
Artificial intelligence is making it possible for machines to learn from experiences, adapt to new inputs, and do tasks similar to humans, ranging from computers that play chess to autonomous cars, all of which depend largely on deep learning and natural language processing. A chess-playing computer is an excellent example of a machine that can behave as humans, processing large amounts of complex information. Algorithms that are able to perform deep learning utilize the patterns in human information processing, much as the human mind categorizes information.
AI is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence demonstrated by animals and humans alike. Hypothetically, artificial general intelligence--exemplified by the androids in shows like Westworld, The Matrix, and Star Trek--came to denote the capability of smart machines that can understand and learn any task or process normally undertaken by humans. Expert systems and data interpretation are needed to train the intelligent machines in the ways that humans write and speak.
While it is possible for computers to easily surpass humans in terms of data-processing capabilities, there is no way yet to build anything that is as good as human intelligence. With artificial intelligence, computer scientists are capable of creating a vast array of algorithms that aid in solving difficult tasks. With the advancements of these AI technologies, machines can now learn to do complicated functions like facial recognition.
Companies are now able to leverage AI to make sure that they are getting appropriate outputs of performance from the money that they are spending on their corporate operations. By virtue of AIs capabilities, companies and individuals are using their skills more efficiently, eliminating wasted time. Not just in the society, but in our jobs, AI helps us so we can save time in completing our tasks.
Our society will get innumerable hours of productivity with the mere adoption of self-driving cars and the impact AI has on our congestion problem, not to mention other ways that will increase on-the-job productivity. While there will be a lot of learning experiences and challenges that must be faced when artificial intelligence is deployed in new applications, the expectation is that artificial intelligence overall will have more of a positive impact than a negative one for society. There will also be improvements to personalized/individualized training and instruction for humans, and, in contrast, the personalization of AI systems for the daily users.
The hopeful experts in this sample overall anticipate AI working to optimize, augment, and enhance the activities and experiences of humans. AI has the potential to greatly increase efficiency at our workplaces, and it has the potential to augment work done by humans. By placing humans at the center of ongoing development and refinement in AI, it is possible to design decision-making and prediction processes that blend human creativity with AI innovations.
Human intelligence, creativity, knowledge, expertise, and innovation are drivers for expansion of present, as well as future, AI technologies. The scale and speed of change are unprecedented, and the growth in technologies, especially AI, has the potential to dramatically enhance the quality of life of millions. The world is on the verge of transforming many sectors with AI, but how AI systems are developed needs to be better understood because of the significant implications that these technologies will have for society at large.
We cannot afford to waste this chance of harnessing these technologies to benefit humanity, and there are plenty of ways we can ensure this. The development of such technologies should be guided by sound values and principles, because that will inevitably affect how they are later applied and implemented, and whether they are likely to enhance human lives or not. It is fair to say that through utilizing AI and machine learning, industries across the world are better able to respond to customer demands, as well as operating more efficiently and producing higher-quality results, but only when their employees are happy and productive.
AI makes our lives more efficient everyday AI powers a number of programs and services that help us with daily tasks, like connecting with friends, using email programs, or using a ride-sharing service. AI has allowed us to gather data without needing human operators, made it possible to analyze vast amounts of data around the clock, and most importantly, has fostered the development of predictive analytics capable of vastly optimizing processes across multiple fields. AI offers performance where it is superior to humans, allowing us to perform faster computations, as well as to solve difficult problems.
With AI, we can programme algorithms that can help to perfect these decision-making processes, but only if we train AI tools with human thought, a huge amount of actual data, and real-world circumstances and experiences. All it takes is data that is sufficiently reliable for algorithms to discern useful patterns. Learning from that data through many iterations allows IoT devices to respond to human stimuli and requirements better.
While IoT deals with devices that communicate with the Internet, the AI component helps those devices to learn from data. AI is an essential part of the way that Apples Siri works, as it learns from each and every interaction from a user. A digital assistant such as Siri can then analyze thousands of lines of data a second in order to perform tasks and return tailored results to the search engine.
With the right tools, your customers and team members can gain access to tons of information that is helpful to their specific tasks, and having optimized access to information can help your business accomplish tasks in a more efficient and productive manner. For instance, an AI recruitment app that filters out job candidates by their unique qualifications could assist HR to hire the right person for the business. AI could be used to predict crimes, and thanks to AI, we would see judgements where human biases and judges emotional ways of thinking are removed.