Different viscosity's of jizz on the hood of my 2006 honda civic: a 14 month experiment


Jizz Viscosity Experiment Honda Civic Car Maintenance Unconventional Science

Eps 8: Different viscosity's of jizz on the hood of my 2006 honda civic: a 14 month experiment


The podcast title is misleading and inappropriate. It discusses an experiment where a person left different types of jizz on their car hood for 14 months to determine the effects of viscosity on the surface of the car. The experimentation included different sets of variables concerning the temperature and humidity, which affected the result. In the end, the experiment produced some unexpected results, but the podcast’s nature was disturbing and not appropriate for all audiences.

Seed data: Link 1
Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Theresa Barnes

Theresa Barnes

Podcast Content
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