crystal magic to un-alive those who dare you


Crystal Magic Magical Powers Un-alive Dare You Supernatural Occultism

Eps 4: crystal magic to un-alive those who dare you

evil doings of evil witches

In this 10-minute podcast, the host discusses the recent trend of using crystals for "revenge magic" or to harm those who have wronged you. She cautions against using crystals for negative intentions and suggests focusing instead on using them for healing, protection, and manifestation of positive outcomes. The host also provides tips for cleansing and charging crystals for optimal use. Ultimately, she emphasizes the importance of using magic and spirituality for good rather than seeking revenge.

Seed data: Link 1
Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Tracy Bryant

Tracy Bryant

Podcast Content
Crystal magic has been used for centuries as a powerful tool to enhance our lives and connect us with the energies of the earth. In recent times, this ancient practice has seen a rise in popularity, with people from all walks of life seeking its healing powers. One of the many benefits of crystal magic is its ability to help protect us from negative energies. In this podcast, we will explore how you can use crystal magic to un-alive those who dare you.

Firstly, it is essential to understand what exactly we mean by "un-alive." This term can be interpreted in many ways, but in this context, it refers to protecting yourself from those who wish to harm you physically or emotionally. It is not about wishing ill or harm on anyone but instead focusing your energies on self-protection and preventing any negative actions directed towards you.

One of the most commonly used crystals for protection is Black Tourmaline. This powerful stone is believed to transmute negative energy into positive energy and is said to create a protective shield around the person carrying it. It is also said to help ground and anchor you, making you more centred and less susceptible to outside influences.

Another stone that is commonly used for protection is Black Obsidian. This volcanic glass is believed to have a strong protective energy that helps shield the person carrying it from negative energies. Also, it helps with grounding and removing any negativity that may be attached to you. It has a powerful association with the earth element, making it an excellent stone for grounding.

Labradorite is another crystal that is often used for protection. This stone creates a barrier of protection around its wearer, shielding them from any negative energy. It is also said to help with intuition and psychic abilities, allowing you to instinctively detect any negative intentions or energies that may be around you.

Selenite is another excellent crystal that can be used for protection. This beautiful white crystal has a powerful energy that helps to clear and purify any negative energies that may be present. It can also help with spiritual growth and allow you to connect more deeply with higher realms of consciousness.

Incorporating crystals into your daily routine can be an excellent way to incorporate crystal magic into your life. Wearing these stones as jewellery pieces or carrying them in your bag or pocket is an easy and effective way to ensure their protective energy is with you at all times. You can also use them during meditation or place them around your home or workspace to help create a protective shield.

In conclusion, the use of crystal magic for protection is a powerful tool that can help keep you safe from those who may wish you harm. By incorporating crystals such as Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Labradorite and Selenite into your daily routine, you can create a protective shield around yourself, helping to ensure that any negative energy directed towards you is neutralised and transmuted into positive energy. Remember, this practice is not about wishing any harm on anyone but instead focuses on self-protection and harnessing the healing powers of these crystals.