Can we cure autism?


Health • Nervous System

Eps 1: Can we cure autism?


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. "
"Younger children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder will typically have their needs assessed and met using their state's early intervention services, which many states refer to as an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)," explained Woods.
Consider using visual aids to help your child with schedules and daily tasks.

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Byron Hopkins

Byron Hopkins

Podcast Content
When many professionals still saw autism as a hopeless diagnosis, TACA promoted the idea of treating autism as a potential cure, not as a disease without a cure or treatment options, when it was still considered a "hopeless" diagnosis. But we believe that all children are affected by autism, and many of them can improve and some autistic symptoms can recover.
A small but promising clinical trial in the US has shown that a 100-year-old drug called suramine can measurably improve the symptoms of autism and a range of other disorders. This is the first time we have a drug that can potentially treat ASD symptoms. Consider that children with autism have gastrointestinal diseases, as most of us do, so why not treat them?
The results of this study will mark an important turning point in our attitude to autism, as parents turn to us for treatment .
One in 100 sufferers is affected, mostly in early childhood, and symptoms are varied. These include autism spectrum disorders , attention deficit / hyperactivity disorders, social anxiety disorders and social phobia. It is estimated that around 1,260 children worldwide suffer from ASD, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe .
About half of these patients have learning difficulties of varying severity, and ASD is associated with higher intellectual and artistic abilities in some. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex developmental disorder that includes a wide range of disorders, such as attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, impaired behavior, social anxiety disorders and social phobia.
The effects of ASD, the severity of symptoms, vary in each person and are usually diagnosed for the first time in childhood, with the most obvious signs occurring at the age of 2-3 years. Children with autism develop more slowly, acquire and lose previously acquired skills until they are infants.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a group of similar disorders that affect a person's social interactions, communication and behavior. It is also the most common form of autism in girls, with less obvious signs than in boys. In addition to mentioning the differences in autism in different age groups and specifying the importance of technology for children with autism, it also includes the difference between the two most well-known types of people who know right from wrong with autism and people without right or wrong, the disorder of the autism spectrum and the other types.
ASD is a spectrum disorder, as there are differences in symptoms and severity in individuals, whether in the variation of symptoms or severity of symptoms.
Each person presents a unique combination of indications, and children and adults with autism will not share universal symptoms. There is also no single treatment that can alleviate all the core symptoms of autism.
However, there are some therapies and medications that can have a positive effect on the symptoms of autism and on the overall health of the individual. Choosing the best therapy is a trial and error process for most of us, with the final decision depending on personality, personality type and other factors such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, family history, age at diagnosis, etc.
There are many therapies that can work well for a particular child, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, occupational therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy.
There are many things that can be done to help a child with autism spectrum disorder overcome his or her symptoms. No parent is ever prepared to hear that their child is anything but happy and healthy, but an ASD diagnosis can be particularly frightening. If you have recently learned that your child is suffering or may be suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, you may be concerned and wondering what is next.
Medications and special diets can help control symptoms but not cure them, and there may be conflicting treatment suggestions on how best to help your child, which can confuse you.
Moreover, autism is not a consequence of poor parenting or a response to vaccinations, nor is it a new trend. Although autism can affect the entire body of a person, affected children and adults show symptoms in only a small percentage of their body parts, such as eyes, ears, hands and feet.
There is no medical cure for ASD, but many signs of autism can worsen the underlying mental illness. Children with autism are at higher risk of anxiety, panic attacks, depression and ADHD than children without autism. Although it cannot be cured, there are numerous therapies and supportive technologies that have greatly improved the lives of people with ASD.
Psychiatric and medical assessment of symptoms can go a long way to improving the quality of life of people with autism and supporting their mental health.
Early intervention for children with autism is likely to be combined with the common treatments listed above. If your child shows symptoms of an autism spectrum disorder, you will be referred to a specialist to treat it.