Bsidestlv ctf flag


Society • Crime Tech • Information Technology

Eps 1: Bsidestlv ctf flag

2020 BSid3sTLV CTF AI generated fake podcast

We couldn't let one of our flags (worth 1,000 points!
Even though the likelihood of further spreading of the flag is minimal, we modified the challenge slightly to include another step in the flag creation, making the original flag obsolete.
as to the people behind the leaked flag, and the submission of the leaked flag to get points - we took their word that this was not intentional, and we are keeping a close watch for the rest of the competition.

Seed data: Link 1, Link 3, Link 4, Link 6, Link 8
Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Katie Morris

Katie Morris

Podcast Content
We couldn't let one of our flags worth 1,000 points!Even though the likelihood of further spreading of the flag is minimal, we modified the challenge slightly to include another step in the flag creation, making the original flag to the people behind the leaked flag, and the submission of the leaked flag to get points we took their word that this was not intentional, and we are keeping a close watch for the rest of the competition.As soon as I had finished submitting my own version with an extra point or so on it's been submitted.we decided upon some additional questions. We thought about how many more comments would be made at any given time since then after posting them all togetherI didnt know what you were doing when your reddit account got hacked by someone who shared screenshots from other websites where they posted anything like these but now todayyou have thousands views per day! My apologies?
You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.The event's weight is subject of public voting!BSidesTLV is one of Israel's leading cyber conferences for hackers and security researchers also hosting the annual Capture The Flag CTF competition!We are very proud that our participants in these events have been chosen by an outstanding team from Tel Aviv University, a prestigious international university. We hope you enjoy participating at your own risk so we can continue improving on what has happened here." A new organization called CSRF aims "to spread awareness about cybersecurity issues". A group led jointly between Sberbank Eftonbladet said "CSR stands ready as it represents important sectors including technology development within Israeli society which allows companies such Asperger Intelligence Systems or Google. It provides information regarding how computer networks work together against adversaries", according Toi ShaiyehCCTV
Mozilla5.0 Windows NT 10.0 Win64 x64 AppleWebKit537.36 KHTML, like Gecko Chrome58.0.3029.110 Nightmare2.10.0 Safari537.36 You can see that the headless browser is Nightmare 2.10.0 based on Electron.exploit.html Serve the reverse shell generated with msfvenom to Nightmare, and have it execute the reverse shell with the following AngularJS expression.The flag is BSidesTLVAngularjSisFreddyKrueger Share this on Loading Comments
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Go to httpst.co0yVLqTHENx to register Retweeted by BSidesTLVCTF Small bug in our registration page now fixed, you can register again!Expect many interesting new challenges to keep you occupied for the c httpst.coUZveq51Aw2FINALLY managed to connect to xiaomi M365 Electric Scooter's BLE GATT server from RPi using BlueZ.httphttpspbsdna1c9a3e4fe8b2748f99ea6dc5eb7df44703438bf454626001718790710echo echo "' rvslhNkPJWYKHI YON!" ".php" elseif !strarg return POST'GET' endif This code is still under development and will be updated with more information as it becomes available.