Eps 1269: After the death of Harry Potter

The too lazy to register an account podcast

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Byron Dunn

Byron Dunn

Podcast Content
After the Deathly Hallows: Investigation of the events that happened to all the major Harry Potter characters after the events of "Deathly Hallows." Not to be named, "when he finally died in the" Harry Potter "series and the whole series came to a cathartic end. It ended with the boy heroically defeating Lord Voldemort and saving the wizarding world. After his death, he was replaced by Simon McBurney's "Harry Potter." Sorry, Voldemort, but you cannot say 'should not be called'.
The Deathly Hallows also reveals that Harry helped care for his orphaned son Neville Longbottom, who was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts. Neville joined Harry Potter and Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter series in the battle against Lord Voldemort and the rest of the wizarding world.
While Rowling has never fully explained this bit, she has explained how Harry managed to come back from the dead to defeat Voldemort in the series Deathly Hallows. The deadly curse that Voldemort cast hit back at Harry, fatally striking him and killing him, but he saved Harry's deed by throwing the Avada Kedavra curse on the older wand, which backfired when the wand actually recognized Harry as its true owner and killed him instead. Harry was able to return after his death because he was the son of Neville Longbottom, the father of Harry Potter and the Dark Lord of the Rings, as well as Voldemort's son, Lord Voldemort himself, and Harry's father and brother Voldemort, both killed by the avada - the KedsavRA curse.
After we saw Lily die in the first Harry Potter movie, we saw James Potter go down, but Lily came back from the dead after her death in Harry and the Deathly Hallows.
Voldemort enters a life-and-death phase, in which Albus Dumbledore explains to him why Harry is not dead, why he has taken Harry's blood and how he can be defeated. Harry Potter defeats Malfoy in a duel and meets Dumbledore in the limbo of life - and death, where the old wizard congratulates him on his bravery and tells him that Voldemort can finally be destroyed once and for all.
The question of whether Harry actually died at the end of Sanctuaries of Death is, in any case, settled. Hagrid saved Harry from traitor Sirius Black, and even if Harry had resurrected, Voldemort's attack would have harmed the people of Hogwarts if he had made a similar sacrifice. It's not impossible that Voldemort himself could come back to life in the next few days.
Accepted or not, Harry Potter is older today than he was when he left Hogwarts to fight Lord Voldemort. What would it have been like to live in the world without him, and what would we do if we lived in a world with him?
The last Harry Potter book is called Deathly Hallows because you feel dead inside. The novel tells the story of the events that immediately follow the end of the first book and the birth of Harry's son, Draco Malfoy. Hermione and Ron destroy the Horkrux, Neville and Longbottom defeat the giant whore Crux snake Nagini and Harry and Potter return to Hogwarts, but they don't know yet.
After Voldemort has regained his full power, he searches for and finds the supposedly unbeatable Elder Wand, who he believes can finally kill Harry Potter. Harry asks if Voldemort ever knew about the sanctuaries, but Dumbledore doesn't believe it, because he turned the stone into a horsebox. At the King's Cross, however, Dumbledore says he expected Voldemort to pick up the older wand because his brother's wand had stopped him from killing Harry in the cemetery.
Potter opens the knot with a whisper and goes to his brother, who is about to die, but Potter walks away with his wand.
Snape's dying breath gave Harry a reminder that he was in love with Lily Potter, and that he had been protecting her since the death of her father.
When Harry returned to Hogwarts, Draco decided to pursue him and try to free him from Voldemort in order to restore his family's reputation. When Voldemort asked Narcissa to confirm Harry was dead, she asked him if Draco was still alive or not. Albus and Scorpio realize that Delphi is trying to stop Voldemort from killing the potters, and Harry goes on the hunt for Voldemort's horcruxes and destroys them so that the Dark Wizard can finally be killed. Harry returns to Harry's final year of school at Hogwarts as a member of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the tutelage of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Albus and Scorpius stop Cedric on the second task and return to find that he is now alone, because in their alternative timeline Voldemort killed Harry and won the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998.