Eps 1: A fear of ghosts or hauntings


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Marion Hawkins

Marion Hawkins

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This article discusses the fear of ghosts or hauntings, which is often accompanied by other phobias like a fear of being alone or darkness. Phobias of ghosts are often out of proportion to the danger posed, and exposure to images or ideas related to ghosts or the supernatural almost always provokes immediate fear or anxiety.
This fear can often contribute to developing phasmophobia, which is the fear of ghosts or other supernatural beings. In many cases, this fear stems from an intense fear of the unknown and can contribute to other phobias such as spectrophobia , achluophobia or autophobia . Nyctophobia, which is a fear of nighttime darkness, is also another contributing factor to our fear of ghosts. Many people also become scared at night due to their heightened awareness and imagination in the dark.
People with phobias like fear, shadows fear and other phobias may become more scared in the dark since they evoke ghost phobia. This can cause a heightened sense of fear towards supernatural things, including ghosts and witches. People who experience this fear might be scared of mirrors, photographs, or dark places due to the belief that ghosts haunt those areas. For some, the fear of ghosts or hauntings is accompanied by a fear of heights or social phobias.
Ghosts are spiritual beings, often believed to be the spirits of people who have passed on. Paranormal experts believe that ghosts are malevolent towards people and can instill fear in those who encounter them. Although this fear is based on superstition, it contradicts the true behavior of ghosts as many human cultures have beliefs about ghosts being benevolent and helpful. This contradicts the common idea that all ghosts are bad or malevolent. However, not everyone has encountered an apparition or ghost and those who have admit most people do not experience such a phenomenon. Yet, this possible attitude towards houses being haunted remains with us as a reminder of our culture's beliefs in supernatural entities.
Many people fear the paranormal and the idea of ghosts, spirits and other supernatural phenomenon. This fear can be so intense that it provokes an immediate fear and anxiety in many people, who believe that ghosts possess telepathic powers or other abilities that can cause harm or misfortune. Telling ghost stories is also a popular pastime, as it often features ghosts but without any actual danger posed by them. For some, it may even evoke a certain thrill when one is exposed to this phobic object. Movies are also known to feature ghosts and other supernatural entities which could explain why so many people experience this fear.
People who suffer from phasmophobia often experience anticipatory anxiety when they think about ghosts or hauntings. They may think about the ghost story their parents used to talk about when they were younger, or the scary movie they saw at a friend's house. Studies have shown that when someone is exposed to images and ideas of ghosts, it can lead to an increase in anxiety and fear. As a result, people can develop beliefs that their house is haunted, which can be especially scary at night when things seem much scarier than during the day.
Ghost phobia can cause people to feel fear and dread at the presence of something they cannot explain, activating their fight or flight mode. For children, this fear may be even more intense since they may not have the cognitive ability to understand that the presence is a figment of their imagination. Furthermore, associated thoughts of magical thinking can form in a child's mind, which can make it harder for their caregivers and parents to convince them otherwise.
Fearing ghosts is an intense fear that can develop in many people as a result of cultural beliefs, or the idea of dead things coming back to life, while research suggests people who have had a close loved one die, such as a parent, grandparent or someone else important to them may be more prone to developing this kind of fear. It is not uncommon for children to become scared of the dark and sleep with the lights on out of fear that something ghostly might come into their room at night. Those who suffer from underlying anxiety may find that this fear can cause intense anxiety and panic attacks when confronted with certain triggers.
Ghosts, hauntings, and other supernatural worries can be a major source of fear and discomfort for many individuals. Psychiatric literature suggests that this type of magical thinking is rooted in disordered thinking patterns, yet parapsychological research has not been able to prove the existence of ghosts. Those who suspect they may have a fear of ghosts or hauntings should seek the attention of someone qualified to help them. Clinical literature has appreciated the fact that this fear can lead to poor sleep, socio-occupational impairment, and intense discomfort for someone experiencing it.
Ghosts and hauntings are an often-discussed paranormal topic, and 'Phasmophobia', the fear of ghosts, is one of the most common fears for people. Witches, a common Halloween theme, also trigger stories of murdering children or other criminal activities by evil forces. Characters such as Shaggy from Scooby-Doo can cause feelings of fear in some due to his relationship with witches and his encounters with evil forces. This added joke to the franchise makes it even more popular with movies and TV shows based on this premise. There are many haunted houses in life that may suffer characters who have phasmophobia or sanguivoriphobia . Heights, snakes, and other animals may also trigger fear but these fears do not compare to that of ghosts or hauntings.
People’s beliefs in ghosts and hauntings can cause intense anxiety and fear, even to the point of death. This is known as thanatophobia, the fear of death. For some, visiting a cemetery or funeral home may be a source of terror due to the tombstones, symbols, and entities that might be present. Those who have this fear also may feel anxious when they visit a mysterious land with unknown residents as they feel their life may be at risk. Although some people may get a certain thrill from exploring haunted sites, for those with thanatophobia it is not so enjoyable.
Thanatophobia is the fear of ghosts or hauntings. It is one of the most commonly reported fears amongst those who watch horror movies or experience other supernatural scares. Hall allocated this fear to a specific category in a survey he conducted in 1938 and was able to match his patients descriptions to the criteria he used for his term.