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Latest Episodes | Popular Episodes
The Season of Creation is a time when Christians around the world celebrate and reflect on God's creation. It begins on September 1st, which is the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on October 4th,...


Ray Hall

Ray Hall

Tags: Season Of Creation Eco-theology Environmentalism Christianity Faith And Nature Sustainability


Ray Hall

Ray Hall

The 10-minute podcast talks about the return of the Green Arrow, after he was presumed dead five years ago. The Green Arrow, also known as Oliver Queen, is a vigilante who fights crime in the fictiona...


Suzanne Arnold

Suzanne Arnold

Tags: Green Arrow Returns Superhero DC Comics Comic Books Action-adventure


Suzanne Arnold

Suzanne Arnold

In the podcast "Mysterious Planets", the host discusses the discovery of exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, and how many of them are still shrouded in mystery. Scientists are struggling ...


Leon Knight

Leon Knight

Tags: Space Exploration Science Astronomy Astrobiology Extraterrestrial Life


Leon Knight

Leon Knight

Let's Put Reality Behind

Metaphyscial Magic throughout Space Time Continuum
The podcast explores the idea of metaphysical magic and its existence throughout space and time. The host discusses how magic is a part of human experience, even if it cannot be scientifically explain...


Hugh Kuhn

Hugh Kuhn

Tags: Metaphysics Magic Space-time Continuum Transcendentalism Spirituality Cosmic Consciousness


Hugh Kuhn

Hugh Kuhn

The 10-minute podcast on "Alter Bridge" provides an overview of the rock band, its formation, and its music style. The band was formed in 2004 by former Creed members, Mark Tremonti, Brian Marshall, a...


Jo Gilbert

Jo Gilbert

Tags: Alter Bridge Rock Music Myles Kennedy Mark Tremonti Heavy Metal Alternative Rock


Jo Gilbert

Jo Gilbert

le nuove tecnologie

L'uso delle nuove tecnologie nella scuola primaria
The podcast discusses the use of new technologies in primary schools. The guest speaker, a primary school teacher, explains how technology can help engage students and personalize their learning exper...


Gertrude Boyd

Gertrude Boyd

Tags: New Technologies Primary School Education Teaching Digital Learning Innovation


Gertrude Boyd

Gertrude Boyd

In a podcast interview with MattVidPro AI, the co-founder of a video editing software company, he discussed the benefits of artificial intelligence in video editing. He explained how AI can analyze an...


Sophia Fletcher

Sophia Fletcher

Tags: MattVidPro Interview AI Video Production Content Creation Artificial Intelligence


Sophia Fletcher

Sophia Fletcher

In this podcast, the hosts discuss the latest and final season of the popular TV show Game of Thrones. They touch upon various aspects of the season, including plot twists, character arcs, and the rec...


Eugene Daniels

Eugene Daniels

Tags: Game Of Thrones Discussion Last Season Television Entertainment Analysis


Eugene Daniels

Eugene Daniels

In the podcast titled "This is the sponsored pod," the host talks about the importance of sponsored content in the world of media. The host explains that sponsored content helps companies reach a wide...


Crystal Barnes

Crystal Barnes

Tags: Marketing Advertising Sponsorship Podcasting Brand Promotion Media Consumption


Crystal Barnes

Crystal Barnes

The Tasty Debrief

A discussion over the last season of game of thrones
The podcast features a discussion about the final season of Game of Thrones. The hosts discuss their overall thoughts on the season, including the pacing of the episodes and character arcs. They also ...


Jane Nelson

Jane Nelson

Tags: Game Of Thrones TV Shows Popular Culture Drama Fantasy Television


Jane Nelson

Jane Nelson

Food and Stuff

The Death of Peasant Food: Are Food Conglomerates and the ever increasing internationalisation killing peasant dishes and thus creativity in Food?
This podcast discusses whether food conglomerates and internationalization are causing the disappearance of peasant dishes and harming creativity in the food industry. The host argues that the globali...


Leon Knight

Leon Knight

Tags: Food Conglomerates Internationalisation Peasant Food Creativity Death


Leon Knight

Leon Knight

Food and Stuff

The relationship between food and music in modern times
In the modern era, the relationship between food and music has become stronger as both industries have evolved. Food and music have always been connected, but with social media and technology, they ha...


Brian Baker

Brian Baker

Tags: Food Music Relationship Modern Times Culture Entertainment


Brian Baker

Brian Baker

The 10-minute podcast titled "Elon Musk Latest News" provides an overview of the latest developments surrounding one of the world's most prominent innovators and entrepreneurs. The podcast covers a wi...


Nicole Gonzalez

Nicole Gonzalez

Tags: Elon Musk Latest News Technology Entrepreneurship Innovation Tesla


Nicole Gonzalez

Nicole Gonzalez

The podcast discusses the idea that Satan may be considered more admirable than God, citing examples such as Satan being an individual who challenges authority and encourages critical thinking, while ...


Camila Arnold

Camila Arnold

Tags: Satan God Religion Spirituality Theology Debate •


Camila Arnold

Camila Arnold

In the 10-minute podcast titled "Roald Dahl Boy Tales of Childhood Book Review," the host discusses the book Boy: Tales of Childhood written by Roald Dahl. The host explains that the book is an autobi...


Gertrude Boyd

Gertrude Boyd

Tags: Roald Dahl Boy Tales Childhood Book Review Literature Memoir


Gertrude Boyd

Gertrude Boyd

Rocket lolly

My mum left her job as a carer because they wouldn't let her wear false nails
In this podcast, a woman whose mother worked as a carer recounts her experience of quitting her job because her employer wouldn't allow her to wear false nails. The woman explains the importance of fe...


Dianne Douglas

Dianne Douglas

Tags: Carer False Nails Employment Discrimination Workplace Rules Gender Stereotypes


Dianne Douglas

Dianne Douglas

Rocket lolly

Rocket lolly
The Rocket lolly is a classic ice lolly that has been around since the 1960s and is beloved by many in the UK. It consists of red, white, and blue layers, each with a different flavor; cherry, raspber...


Ray Hall

Ray Hall

Tags: Humor Comedy Entertainment Pop Culture Satire Current Events


Ray Hall

Ray Hall


evidence-based ell studies
The podcast discusses the importance of evidence-based practices in teaching English Language Learners (ELLs). The hosts share statistics about the growing number of ELLs in U.S. public schools and th...


Heather Johnston

Heather Johnston

Tags: Education English Language Learners Evidence-based Research Linguistics Pedagogy Second Language Acquisition


Heather Johnston

Heather Johnston

The podcast discusses evidence-based practices for English language learners (ELLs), noting that many schools and educators struggle to support these students effectively. The host interviews Dr. Dian...


Madison Walker

Madison Walker

Tags: Evidence-based Ell Practice Education Teaching Methods Language Acquisition Research-based


Madison Walker

Madison Walker

The podcast explains that screen readers are software programs used by individuals with visual impairments to access digital content. They work by converting visual information on screens into speech ...


Beth Cunningham

Beth Cunningham

Tags: Screen Reader Assistive Technology Accessibility Visually Impaired Disability Software


Beth Cunningham

Beth Cunningham