Eps 98: you tease me with your eyes


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Elaine Freeman

Elaine Freeman

Podcast Content
There is a certain look that is within the eyes of girls, and it is pretty easy to pick up on it, with a little bit of eye-watching.
There is so much that you can learn about her feelings by how she reacts to jokes. If you notice that the girl is flinging at you often, especially when no one else is around, chances are that she is into you, too. It is pretty normal for girl friends to make fun of you with other girls, but if she is going above and beyond, hooking up with others, then it is definitely more than that.
You know that you are into the girl, everyone around you is also paying attention, but nobody knows whether or not the girl is into you back. If one specific girl is playing with her hair, it might mean that she LIKES YOU, according to the conventional wisdom in dating...or it might be bored OUT OF her MINDS. If one particular girl is fidgeting or quickly darting her eyes in to stare at you, then looking away from you, it can be a sign too that she likes you; that you are making her nervous, in a good way. You know that the girl is looking at you when you are talking with somebody, you know she is paying attention to how you are talking, she is paying attention whether or not you are checking on the other women passing by, she is listening to every word that you are saying, even when you are not talking to her.
They say that eyes are a window to the soul, and making eye contact is an important part of connecting, so make sure that you are connecting to one specific girl in that particular way often. If she seems to have a curiosity that is killing her, then you certainly have another sign. For example, if the boy that is curious is telling jokes around you and a bunch of other guys, look at whether or not his eyes dart toward you to see if you are laughing.
If you are the only girl he is mocking or trying to hang out with, chances are good that he is interested. If, however, the boy that is interested does tease other girls, that may be the strategy he uses for flirting. Sometimes, guys add just about anyone on social media, but if you notice that A guy who is interested is constantly looking at or liking your posts, that might be an indication that he is interested. If he is specifically asking to hang out with his friends, that means he likes your company and wants you in his circle, too.
If you are with a guy that is in the idea business, he is going to tell you that, and make that clear with just one simple text. If he makes a joke or teases the situation, it is because he wants you to laugh, so he is interested. If the dude is trying to think of situations for you guys to go out with once more -- particularly if they are not especially comfortable -- then you know that he has something bigger on his mind than just friendly conversation. It may be disconcerting, but sometimes when a guy is genuinely interested in you, they get really quiet, and they will say or do things that are wrong, too.
If he mentions your eyes colour, hair colour, body shape, you might think he is smoking. When the dude goes on about his favourite reality TV show, or that incredible pair of shoes you are wearing...well, maybe he is gay, but if he is not, it is probably a flirt. This guy is relentlessly picking on you -- in a playful, non-serious way -- which is the surest sign of his hoping that you will mock him back right away.
Many guys even sneakily look up to you when they think you are not looking. For instance, your friends are saying that your T-shirt looks great, they are clearly mocking you about how it is overly loud and trying. Some might be worried that it will look dull, like you cannot keep up. Some cats will often make the sound of chattering when frustrated at seeing prey that they cannot reach, such as that squirrel dancing at your window.
A cat making that sound is getting ready to fight, and might claw you if you try to touch them. You can use a whoop to tell a cat to stop doing something -- it gets their attention and often stops behavior.
The better you deal with these situations, and get over them, the more appealing you become... maybe even to the person who just snapped at you. If the girl you are trying to flirt with says that she is not interested, or is bitchy or rude, accept that as what it is, and keep moving on to the next. When you are easy on women, and cultivate an abundance mindset, that one specific girl is likely to return to you no matter what.