Eps 116: we see a better way


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Stacey Wade

Stacey Wade

Podcast Content
If you would like to read the lyrics of all the latest songs, keep in touch. Songs that you have liked will also show up under "Songs" in the Library.
You will receive recommendations instantly, based on music that you have heard on YouTube. You can discover new music and personalize your listening experience through YouTube Music App. Spotify does not just have collections of songs that are curated to fit certain genres and moods, but you can create your own playlists if you want, even sharing them with others. Each song or playlist that you listen to becomes a radio station you can customize.
Find the music you are looking for, whenever and wherever you want, by quickly sorting through your playlists, libraries, or downloads. Spotifys playlists can have thousands of songs, making it hard to quickly find the track you want.
If you would like to create a mega-playlist with all of the songs that you have saved in your library, you can copy these to a new playlist using the same methods as the ones described above. Note that if you right-click an existing playlist, you will see the option Create Similar Playlist. This is a good way to find other music that you might like on Spotify, but does not replicate exactly what is in a playlist.
Now, tap Your Library at the top-left corner of Spotify, and under Playlists, you will see the new Local Files option. Click that, and you will see any Local Music that you have previously selected within. Once you have clicked on the "Show Local files" slide, you will see sources of various music folders on your PC.
You will then see that appear on the list of Show Songs From; be sure to turn that on. Unchecking will make it easier to just choose the music you have just added, and place it into a new playlist .
You can use matches on a songs name to confirm if a song is on the playlist, to view all songs from a particular artist, and so on. You can find out more about a song you are listening to, and find covers, remixes, and live performances for it, by tapping on info next to a songs name.
Effective immediately, Genesis of Richmond will be operating under a Better Way. The decision for Genesis of Richmond to be acquired by A Better Way was made with a very key concept in mind: What is best for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Muncie, IN -- In-a Better Way, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing domestic abuse, sexual assault, and suicide by providing shelter services, crisis intervention, and prevention initiatives, announced today that A Better Way will begin serving three counties served by Genesis of Richmond, Richmond, and acquire all its assets.
A Better Way will provide two safe housing locations for victims of domestic abuse in Richmond and Muncie. A Better Way A Better Ways will enable greater efficiencies, an expanded range of services to victims of domestic violence, and greater impact overall. A Better Way will now offer services in eight counties, including Blackford, Delaware, Fayette, Henry, Jay, Randolph, Union, and Wayne.
Researchers from the University of Groningen have shown, through experiments, that listening to sad or happy music not only puts people in different moods, it changes the things that people notice. A British study included those who were depressed and those who were not, and found both groups felt better after listening to happier music. Those without a clinical tendencies toward depression reported feeling better after listening to sad music.
In other words, individuals were more accurate in identifying the correct faces of people when listening to happy music, and more accurate in identifying the faces of people when listening to sad music. Researchers found that people were best at detecting a faces emotion corresponding with the emotion of the music being played at that moment. Last year, researchers in the Netherlands found that music that someone is listening to temporarily changes the persons visual perception, affecting what he or she believes to see.
What findings like those researchers found tell us is, one, learning happens when we see how we could be doing something better, adding a few new shades or extensions to our understanding. To see why, and to see a pathway toward more efficient ways of improving our own performance, let us take a closer look at each theory in turn. The first is that other people are more aware of your weaknesses than you are, and the best way for you to get better, then, is to have them show you things that you cannot see yourself.
It turns out telling people how we feel about their performance and how they could be doing better is not the best way to help them succeed, and in fact, it may actually be a barrier to development. Because we all build our identities, to some extent, around our values, when someone rejects your beliefs, it may seem as though they are rejecting you. When people feel excluded from the community, they may grow hostile to that community. Studies of individuals who have acted violently towards their communities find that they often suffered from social rejection.
Moreover, if you are deeply attached to your moral values, failure may feel like a threat to your identity, leading you to unleash an avalanche that does nothing to persuade those who disagree with you. Showing others that you are willing to be generous to them, no matter what their values are, may help to loosen their belief attachments, which makes them more willing to consider your perspective.