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Jonathan Ruiz

Jonathan Ruiz

Podcast Content
From where I am sitting, it seems that the lines of Wait a Minute are about her awakening to spirituality and realizing what she believed that she could. Whether that is an idea of astral projection, or the way it makes her think of that one person that she loves. Which brings us back to the loving aspect of the song, saying that she is always with this person she loves in her mind.
There is an overarching love theme to this song that I did not want to get lost in the pandemonium of all of the other great ideas that it is dealing with. Overall, this song is all about love and spirituality, that much I can say. There is a lot about the song referencing spirituality, which is an idea that we are not very familiar with, and certainly not a viewpoint embraced by many.
It also seems like the five individuals in the albums artwork are stages of enlightenment, which could be seen as spiritual in nature or secular as an individual healing over time and learning to love all living things including themselves. The final man in the image progression on the album cover has that third eye.
The person that holds their hands closest to their designated time wins. The tamer will call out the amount of time, and players must raise their hands when they believe that time has passed.