Eps 1530: The Secret Behind Revivalist

The too lazy to register an account podcast

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Dylan Stephens

Dylan Stephens

Podcast Content
These two things have been the secrets of countless renaissances throughout history -- and I am convinced that they will again. There have been a number of powerful Revivals over the last 50 years where God has released the Spirit similarly. The work of the Holy Ghost in Revivals is often so strong that people are moved profoundly, spiritually as well as emotionally.
During true spiritual revivals, the Holy Ghost speaks in mighty ways, working to move us into action in our Christian lives. Instead of becoming stunned from hearing about the Holy Spirits work, we can be stirred daily to action, quickened to do Gods good and perfect will. As we study this marvelous Psalm, we can pray that we might be moved deeply by the desire of God to bring about an all-out revival of the Holy Ghost to our lands, indeed, throughout the world. People will start seeking God, God will again shed His Holy Ghost, and a rebirth will occur among people.
In the Old Testament, revival always came when godly people turned away from sin and began seeking God with all of their hearts. The entire reason why Old Testament Revivalists were so anointed and saturated with Gods presence was that they had really broken through, directly to his throne room in prayer, and spent so much time communing with him there. The Revivalists of old had established their lives in prayer, and were shining examples of what the Lord could do with someone who prayed. In other words, if God can find a group of individuals who went through personal Revival, God can use them to speak truth and bring his anointing into entire areas.
You are not going to be able to fully enter all that God has for you until you can learn how to set your heart apart to the Lord in prayer. The Lord is unleashing an anointing that is going to cause whole cities and nations to turn toward God. But this anointing can be kept safe in the secret places alone. God is raising up a people willing to risk, even if they do not feel prepared, for His power can shine through. Let the Spirit descend upon you, and simply say to God, I am going to dedicate the rest of my life to going the distance.
As history shows, only if the remnant of Gods people are desperate -- desperate for a reformed condition in the Church, desperate for the inhospitality inside them and around them, desperate for sin and compromise, desperate for the fact that God is NOT Glorified, that God is not really Lord over His Church, that his Word is ridiculed and mostly seen as irrelevant to the dying world. The fact that God has sent Revivals in the past shows the likelihood that Revivals will return. Some of us have seen revivals on a very small scale, in packed congregations, many souls saved, lives transformed, and there was a profound spirit of prayer resting upon the people of God; but very few of us have seen revivals of any kind on any great scale. Now, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the Church of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ stands in dire need of a major outpouring of the Holy Ghost.
Perhaps one of the most remarkable things about a Christian revival is the presence of the Holy Ghost. Simply groups of Christians revived, who may start preaching repentance and praying that the Holy Spirit will come down. Revival is maintained through walking in the Holy Ghost, obeying Gods Word and will, and by fighting the bloodshed within ourselves, fighting our own will, or indwelling sin.
Revival comes from God; it is not worked up, but sent down, and so our eyes should be fixed not on men, methods, churches, or denominations -- but on God. If Revival is going to happen, it is for you and me to prepare ourselves to receive Gods complete blessings, and be channels through which those blessings may be shed.
Wrestling may be a key that will transform you by personal revival and bring about far deeper communion with God. In 1972-73, the Revival came near in Meridian, Miss., as the Holy Ghost began working in young lives. One of the first recorded revivals occurred on the day of Pentecost, when there was a sudden, life-changing outpouring of the Holy Ghost in the lives of regular people who had come together by faith to receive a gift Jesus promised them.
If the Church of Planetshakers is being honest with itself, there are moments where each one of us entertained thoughts that the coming year might be simply the year that God failed to fulfill the promises God made about a resurgence. At no point was Gods promise over Planetshakers in question, regardless of how bleak seasons have been at different points along the way. Looking back on the example set by the early believers, who waited patiently and expectantly for Gods promised restoration , can teach us much about setting ourselves up for our time as participants in historys next great awakening. As amazing as the promise of a restoration is, looking at the story, it is sure to come with an enormous amount of work, and a huge crew of workers that is equipped and willing to oversee a great harvest.