The future podcast


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Eps 994: The future podcast

The too lazy to register an account podcast

In this episode of Deep Dive, Chris talks with mindfulness instructor, Cynthia Kane, about how to process your feelings and find the right language to clearly express them.
Easer said than done but the stories and techniques Cynthia shares will help.
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Priscilla Alvarez

Priscilla Alvarez

Podcast Content
In this episode of Deep Dive, Chris talks with mindfulness instructor, Cynthia Kane, about how to process your feelings and find the right language to clearly express them.Easer said than done but the stories and techniques Cynthia shares will help.FAQs Get Support Report A Bug Were going all in on a conversation that you can share. We hope we don't get too into it! In our next post
On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid interviews Robert Alston, Ph.D electrical engineer working at Picatinny Arsenal and coauthor of the new book Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell.On this episode of ID the Future, host Robert Marks continues his conversation with Oxford University mathematician John Lennox about Lennox's new book 2084 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity.Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic
One day soon we will breathe on Mars, travel in flying air taxis and live in smart cities.During the early months of the outbreak, Honeywell information technology teams helped shift tens of thousands of employees to work remotely.Honeywell Chief Digital Technology Officer Sheila Jordan explains what it took behind the scenes to make that happen and what the future of IT holds.This is a huge milestone for us. It's an opportunity you can see how this revolution evolves over time.The team also put together some interesting ideas How do these new technologies affect your business? What are they doing differently from previous ones or just different parts than before them all started working at one place like our office nowadays I'm not sure which kind or even if things have changed since then but still need help! The next big thing about learning more has been discovering ways people use their knowledge as well.and who knows where those resources come coming out with better solutions when needed
WSJ's Amy Dockser Marcus introduces us to three different stories of DNA tests with unexpected consequences.For the past few decades, governments in earthquakeprone regions have built up early warning systems.The Journal is a coproduction from Gimlet Media and The Wall Street Journal.This week were going back through two things First off the record that our research has been on for over 10 years. We wanted it published as an independent report because this was one reason why people were skeptical about what they had seen at all times before."
Today we travel to a future where a global government institutes a onechild policy on every single family.Today we travel to a future where you can plop your head onto a brand new body.Today we celebrate the FIVE YEAR anniversary of the podcast.On February 4, 2014 in New York City and Washington DC our annual conference call will be held at 500pm. In addition this year's event is also hosted by VHS Radio from 6PM 7PM!