Online streaming killed the movie industry's creativity


Online Streaming Movie Industry Creativity Technology Entertainment Media

Eps 35: Online streaming killed the movie industry's creativity


The podcast discusses how online streaming services have led to a decline in the movie industry's creativity. It argues that the pressure to appeal to global audiences has resulted in a homogenization of storytelling, with studios prioritizing formulaic movies over risky and original ideas. Furthermore, the emphasis on data-driven decision-making has led to a lack of opportunities for emerging filmmakers and a reliance on established franchises and intellectual property. The podcast concludes by stating that the movie industry must strike a balance between satisfying audience demand and nurturing creativity in order to thrive in the future.

Seed data: Link 1
Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Troy Kennedy

Troy Kennedy

Podcast Content
Hello and welcome to our podcast titled "Online streaming killed the movie industry's creativity". In this episode, we will be discussing and exploring the impact online streaming platforms have had on the film industry. The rise of online streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu has revolutionized the way we consume movies and television shows. However, as more and more people move towards online streaming, it has become increasingly apparent that these platforms are stifling creativity in the movie industry.

The focus of online streaming platforms is on creating mass appeal content that will attract the biggest audience possible. While this approach has undoubtedly been successful, it has also led to a homogenization of creative output. With the pressure to create content that will appeal to as many people as possible, filmmakers and studios are opting for tried and tested formulas rather than taking creative risks. It's not that there isn't good content available on these platforms, but it's rare to see something truly original that breaks the mold and is genuinely innovative.

One of the reasons why online streaming platforms are killing creativity is that they prioritize quantity over quality. The platforms have to release content at a rapid pace to stay ahead of their competitors. As a result, the movie industry has become obsessed with creating an endless stream of content, with no time to invest in quality. The time and money that would have gone into creating something truly exceptional now goes into multiple productions that can be made on a tight schedule and a tighter budget. This means that many of the movies we see on these platforms are cookie-cutter productions, lacking in originality or depth.

Another factor that has contributed to the lack of creativity in the movie industry is the power of online algorithms. Algorithms are used by streaming platforms to recommend content to viewers based on their viewing history. While this can be a convenient way to find new movies and shows, it also means that the platform's algorithms decide what content audiences see. These algorithms have a limited view of what is good or popular, which means that they take a safe and conservative approach when recommending content. This approach means that movies that may not conform to popular taste or appeal to a wider audience are side-lined, resulting in a lack of diversity and originality on these platforms.

The film industry has also suffered because of the death of the movie theater. Online streaming has become the dominant way that people consume movies, and as a result, the number of movie theaters has significantly reduced. This decline has had a knock-on effect on the way that movies are made. With fewer opportunities to showcase their work on the big screen, filmmakers are more likely to create content that will work on smaller screens. As a result, many directors and writers will compromise on their vision to create films that will work on mobile devices or laptop screens. This shift in focus has led to content that is more visually conservative and often less dynamic.

Online streaming platforms also prioritize marketability over creativity. As streaming platforms are relatively new, they rely heavily on brand names and franchises to appeal to audiences. This means that studios and filmmakers are more likely to create sequels, remakes, and spin-offs that feature established characters and easily recognizable brands. While these movies may be commercially successful, they are unlikely to win any awards for creativity or originality. In contrast, movies that take risks and push the boundaries of the film industry are often overlooked by streaming platforms in favor of more marketable content.

In conclusion, while online streaming platforms have made it easy for us to access a vast amount of content, they have also had a detrimental impact on the creativity of the movie industry. The focus on quantity over quality, the power of algorithms, the decline of movie theaters, and the prioritization of marketability over creativity has led to a stagnation in the film industry. However, there is hope that this trend will change. As streaming platforms mature and audiences demand more originality and creativity, filmmakers and studios may begin to take more risks and push the boundaries of the film industry.