Eps 1: Nft for Beginners

Nft for Dummies

Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Ken Robinson

Ken Robinson

Podcast Content
NFT is a digital token that uses a blockchain to verify the identity and ownership of a unique asset. An NFT can be anything, as it is a digital version of a real-world tangible object, or simply a digital asset stored on a blockchain. Essentially, an NFT is a unique and verifiable digital asset that exists on a blockchain. The essence of NFT is a token, a unique blockchain identifier with additional parameters that will be associated with these digital files.
This means that NFTs are unique digital assets that cannot be copied or exchanged for something of the same value. NFTs are irreplaceable due to their unique properties, which allow us to tokenize art, collectibles and real estate. Non-fungible tokens make it easy to tokenize physical and digital assets, opening up a vibrant new ecosystem where market participants can trade artwork, music, game items, and more. NFTs cannot be replaced and tracked through the Ethereum blockchain, making NFTs a digital and traceable alternative to physical stubs.
The unique NFT data makes it easy to verify and verify their ownership and transfer of tokens between owners. One of the main uses of NFTs is that they can grant access to or own unique objects. It is this information that makes each NFT unique, and therefore non-fungible tokens cannot be directly substituted for another token. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Because NFTs are not fungible, they cannot be split and exchanged.
Non-fungible tokens or NFT tokens are cryptographic tokens that represent information about unique or rare digital and real assets. Simply put, this is what NFTs are - indivisible cryptographic assets that represent information and value for rare or unique items. NFTs are actually encrypted tokens with a unique identification code and metadata that make them unique. Unlike fungible cryptocurrencies, NFTs are unique and irreplaceable.
NFTs certify digital ownership and authenticity, which are publicly stored on the blockchain for quick verification. Since NFTs are authenticated on the blockchain, digital graphics alone are not enough to create an NFT.
Once you've chosen a digital image for your NFT, it's time to choose a marketplace that will allow you to create your NFT on the blockchain and then sell your NFT. Once you have decided on the specific project you want to create, you can use an NFT marketplace like OpenSea or Rarible to create and sell NFTs. The NFT market is like a stock exchange where you can buy, sell and trade NFTs.
Ultimately, all users must pay a cryptocurrency fee for listing your NFTs and selling NFTs. Simply put, you buy lines of code on the blockchain when you buy NFTs. Once you receive the NFT, you can check this information on the blockchain in case there are multiple fake NFTs. Your new NFT will not be registered on the blockchain until you sell it.
This is an NFT mint that will turn your digital artwork into non-fungible tokens that can be traded. Imagine buying digital artwork at a reasonable price over the internet and receiving a unique digital token called an NFT that verifies your authority over the artwork you purchased.
The first thing you need before you start creating your NFT art is a crypto wallet where you will store your NFTs and cryptocurrencies. The next step in creating an NFT is to create a digital wallet to fund your investment. Since NFTs are based on the cryptocurrency ecosystem, you will need to get a crypto wallet to store your NFT after purchase, as well as to store the cryptocurrencies needed to facilitate transactions. Anything digital is acceptable, such as art, music, videos, memes, and so on. To convert assets to NFTs, you need to select the blockchain technology you want to use.
In terms of utility, NFTs are used to verify the ownership and authenticity of digital art, digital collectibles, and online gaming items. Since their value is determined primarily by the market and demand, they can be bought and sold in the same way as other forms of physical art. As billions of players purchase digital goods in games, NFTs offer players a way to own their items outside of the encapsulated game environment they purchased the goods in, and even offer the ability to transfer NFTs for use in another game/metaverse. The only difference between NFT and regular cryptocurrency is that you cannot transfer the entire NFT - you can only exchange it for another or exchange it with someone who has it.
NFT stands for non-fungible token: you can pronounce it by writing it or calling it "elegant" ; no one will judge - it's an elegant way to describe something that cannot be copied or exchanged, such as a famous painting or your beloved child. An NFT is a digital asset that can be identified by unique qualities embedded in its metadata. Artists, game studios and brands use VIV3 to create unique tokens, each of which represents an artist's digital creation on WAX as an NFT . NFTs are created on smart contract platforms such as the Ethereum network and cannot be replicated.
The token ID usually points to a specific URL containing all the photos or other metadata; the wallet address represents the owner's wallet address; the smart contract address shows the one that the creator used for the coin of this NFT. In comparison, an NFT or ERC-721 token is one-time use and contains unique identifiers.