Eps 1653: Meet the Real Harry Potter

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Randy Adams

Randy Adams

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A Real Life Person Called Harry Potter was eight years old when J.K. Rowling published the first book in his best-selling series. Mr. Potter, born in 1989, had eight uneventful years as a schoolboy with a rather normal name, until JK Rowling published a book called Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, and all that changed.
Like the fictional Potter, this one was born before The Philosophers Stone was published -- but by just five months. The protagonist, who will shortly have Harry Potter. After these events, there was not a witch or wizard that did not know about Harry, or about how he managed to beat Lord Voldemort when he was just a little boy.
This is where Harry Potters story begins, and it is when you meet Harry Potters face for the first time, when he is heading off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was set in 1991 -- but the movie was released in 2001. The Goblet of Fire is set in 1996, and is very much Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledores story, adding a lot of complexity to the story of Harry Potter, and following the hero to an even more dangerous encounter with Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. You meet a lot of major characters in Hogwarts, including an introduction to Lord Voldemort, Harrys main arch-nemesis, and the action revolves around the Philosophers Stone.
We get a glimpse of the younger Dumbledore, which is hinted to two films, but a lot of characters from the first Fantastic Beasts are returned, along with characters mentioned from other films, such as Nicholas Flamel. Harry, the main protagonist in this franchise, becomes one of Harrys best-known magicians, not at his own choosing. Throughout his years at Hogwarts, Harry faces many obstacles and dangerous adventures aside from his two best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Ron Weasley Hermione Granger.
Harry learned that he was a wizard on his eleventh birthday, thus beginning his journey to Hogwarts. Aside from pranks, Mr. Potter has a much grittier life than his fictional counterparts from the School of Magic, Hogwarts. If having his name started getting to Potter, you cannot really blame him.
Last night, Mr. Potter, of Portsmouth, in Hampshire, said he wishes J.K. Rowling had never used his name in her books. No one was more surprised than Catonsville, Md., residents themselves, when they discovered that JK Rowling had assigned a name that he would gone by all of his 58 years as a resident, to his villainous characters. I said) and asked whether that was really the origin of the Boy Wizard nickname -- Because I am Scottish, I asked whether J.K. Rowlings heard my name while living in Edinburgh, Potter explained.
JK Rowling has told of how Harry was her favorite boys name, so had his daughter been a son, he would have been called Harry Rowling. I share a first name with one Harry Potter character, happily enoughthe cleverest witch of her generation is the character Harry Potter, and since the link is just the relatively generic last name, rather than Hermiones distinctive first name, it is something that has never bothered me in my existence as Walter Mitty. I have even had someone call me in from London asking me if I had a child named Harry Potter, as they wanted an actual Harry Potter for a film.
Which means, while he was not named after a guy that lived in it , the world of the Wizarding World of J.K. Rowling was always part of her. That single name quickly led to great benefits, most famously the invitation that came with the 2002 premiere of The Chamber of Secrets in London. Potter still gets emails from clients thanks for the working of their magic, but his name has become something of a blur.
Maryland alone has, or has recently had, no less than three Harry Potters, sixteen Hermiones, three Sirius, thirteen men named Snape, one Severus, one Bellatrix, and fifteen women named Narcissa. For at least three Harry Potters, each new book released into canon, as well as each new film - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is currently playing in movie theaters is, to say the least, a mixed blessing. After all, there has been an unprompted focus on this series for 12 years, ever since the release of the first novel of the seven-book series.
The unsought attention is not going away any time soon; the series finale film will not come out for another two years. Just as J.K. Rowling has made no secret that she continues to immerse herself in the world of Harry Potter -- the last book of the original series does not mean the end, at all -- so too do her fans remain devoted, as always. Grab some coffee and a good book, then you can take advantage of the coffee shop that J.K. Rowling spent untold hours building up to the series.
There is a lot to do while you are there, including meeting some famous guests from the Harry Potter universe, including Devon Murray ; taking a closer look at a newly released LEGO set from Harry Potter; seeing live owls; taking part in costume contests and trivia; and much more. Harryas parents, Lily and James Potter, were killed soon after Harryas birth by Lord Voldemort, aka The Dark Lord.