Eps 39: MediaWiki


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Sonia Duncan

Sonia Duncan

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MediaWiki is a free and open source software application used to create an encyclopedia - similar to a website that allows collaborative editing of online wikis and collaborative editing by its users.
MediaWiki's main application is the creation of a Wiki-like website, but it was originally designed specifically for the operation of Wikipedia. MediaWiki was developed by Wikipedia editor Magnus Manske and runs on a number of Wikimedia Foundation websites, including Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia Society and the Wikipedia Foundation website. It was originally developed specifically for Wikipedia and is now available to the public.
It is used to create knowledge bases, documentation and documentation for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the Wikimedia Society and a number of other websites.
MediaWiki is a free and open source wiki software written in PHP and originally developed for Wikipedia. The Wiki is also supported by a number of other open source projects such as Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and the Wikimedia Society . Notable websites using MediaWiki include the Wikipedia Wiki, Wikipedia Commons, Wikidata and Wikimedia Foundation, as well as many other websites.
Some MediaWiki users have stated that they have technical problems with the editor interface, which makes it difficult to participate in the editing of the wiki. Users are encouraged to browse the documentation before submitting a request for support. There are a number of places where you can ask for help, such as the wiki page and the forums. Steps to achieve a working Media Wiki configuration include editing some PHP settings and adding MediaWikis configuration snippets.
There is also an official mailing list called Mediawiki - l, and there is a wiki page, the MediaWiki forums and a number of other community forums. There is an IRC channel for MediaWikis and the official Media Wiki mailing lists.
This is proprietary software developed and sold by Atlassian and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It is mainly used by businesses, but there are a small number of open source versions of it that can be downloaded and used for free.
The MediaWiki software is written in the PHP programming language and can store its information in MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQlite databases. Designed to operate on Wikipedia, a huge, high-traffic website, it has been optimized for performance and scalability.
Many different methods are used to increase performance, including various caching and data compression tools. Since Wikipedia is one of the largest websites in the world, the functions of MediaWiki have been optimized and improved over time. Over the years, they have worked to make the product stronger, and many of them are distinguished by helping to make it stronger.
For example, there is an ongoing project for visual editors that has led to a renewed work on many of the most important features of MediaWiki. Examples include a categorization system added in 2004, a delivery system for CSS and JavaScript added in 2011, and a WYSIWYG editor called VisualEditor added in 2013. In the Wikimedia project, for example, they use it to create and curate encyclopedias like Wikipedia, to run the huge Wikimedia Commons media library, and to transcribe scanned reference texts for Wikisource.
MediaWiki is a free and open source wiki software that was originally written in PHP to be used in Wikipedia, but is now used by many other wikis, including the mediawiki.org. MediaWiki uses a corporate CMS and a data repository, sometimes combined with a semantic framework.
MediaWiki supports a wide range of user interfaces, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and HTML5, while providing options for configuring the wiki appearance.
It is possible to follow the instructions for changes to the wiki page in the Wiki section - Page - Changes and on the wiki page.
Although this initial phase is not about MediaWiki, it provides some context and shows that Wikipedia began to shape some of the features and software that powered it even before it was founded. Nostalgia for Wikipedia contains an article from December 2001, when Wikipedia still used UseModWiki. In 2001, Wikipedia was not yet in the top ten of websites and was an obscure project sitting in a dark corner of interwebs hosted on a single server.
The Wiki was presented as a classical series of modifiable websites with the permission of the user and allows any content, including text, images and videos. Since UseModWiki stored its contents in a flat file database, performance was not a problem.
UseModWiki became popular with the famous 2001 multilingual Wikipedia encyclopedia, which by 2011 had become one of the most popular websites in the world with more than 1.5 million users.
As in the case of XWiki, some wikis go a step further and propose additional features to meet professional needs.
MediaWiki is a sophisticated software that has grown over time to meet a number of needs of the collaborative community. MediaWiki's features are therefore numerous and mostly in flux, and the platform allows easy development of add-ons to the software. There are a number of extensions that are known in the colloquial language of the Media Wiki, but the most popular is the open source version of MediaWiki, the cross-platform version and the multiuser version.