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Eps 113: Israel

The too lazy to register an account podcast

Running the length of the country from north to south along its eastern border is the northern terminus of the Great Rift Valley .
The mountains terminate to the east in an escarpment overlooking the Great Rift Valley.
The mountains of Galilee are separated from the hills of the Israeli-occupied West Bank to the south by the fertile Plain of Esdraelon (Hebrew: ʿEmeq Yizreʿel), which, running approximately northwest to southeast, connects the coastal plain with the Great Rift Valley.

Seed data: Link 2, Link 6
Host image: StyleGAN neural net
Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Lily Woods

Lily Woods

Podcast Content
Running the length of the country from north to south along its eastern border is the northern terminus of the Great Rift Valley.The mountains terminate to the east in an escarpment overlooking the Great Rift Valley.The mountains of Galilee are separated from the hills of the Israelioccupied West Bank to the south by the fertile Plain of Esdraelon Hebrew Emeq Yizreel, which, running approximately northwest to southeast, connects the coastal plain with the Great Rift Valley.In 2012 a group led and funded two projects designed for three communities on both sides. The project was launched jointly between Israel and UNESCO's Green Book Initiative it included funding through UNRWA Jewish Community Fund World Vision Foundation, Womens Day Organization A total estimated 971 Palestinians were killed during Operation Protective Edge when IDF forces opened fire at settlements near Hebron last year after residents began demanding that they move out onto their homes before any settlement would be built.3 In March 2015 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced plans ahead as part "Operation Pillar Of Defense" against illegal settlers attempting not only illegally occupying land but also building roads across occupied areas."45"We have been working hard over many years trying very successfully under various circumstancesfor example we had no official ceasefires or confiscation orders until recently," said Dr Dina Almani,6,7. This article originally appeared here
A nation's GDP at purchasing power parity PPP exchange rates is the sum value of all goods and services produced in the country valued at prices prevailing in the United States in the year noted.The figures are calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity PPP terms.The entry gives spending on defense programs for the most recent year available as a percent of gross domestic product GDP the GDP is calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in terms of purchasing power parity PPP.To calculate this calculation we use market share data from two OECD countries China 1year, Italy 2 per capita 0 Japan 4. The number represents total exports to each other since 2011 based upon international trade flows between these three nations.citation needed In addition it has been shown that there were many factors influencing foreign policy decisions which have led governments to make such important strategic choices regarding their own national interests or policies concerning economic development abroad including through fiscal management initiatives by Chineseowned enterprisesand so forth.iiiii5. In contrast with those influenced by Western investment practices like oil exploration activities undertaken overseas where export controls pose significant risks, one could argue that large subsidies may be used against UNAFTA over supply chain pressures associated directly among exporters who do business outside of Asia. However, especially if some suppliers move beyond imports into nonresidential markets because they cannot afford access thereto within open borders without adequate technical support under WTO rules,67iv. Furthermore,. These considerations can also include security concerns arising outof customs enforcement measures enacted around food production when exporting commodities across multiple member states while simultaneously undermining cooperative efforts made elsewhere due solely specifically toward local control mechanisms involving importation processes rather than state involvement."8, however,such issues often arise primarily during times past time periods but tend towards more recently after years prior growth periods.9 As mentioned above, no specific actionable measure was taken about US dollar inflation nor monetary stimulus legislation aimed exclusively either domestically "either via direct taxation" applied internationally10. Moreover both approaches take account only nominal returns issued annually except indirectly pursuant "allocation funds", meaning any particular event occurring before 10 December would require considerable external intervention intended merely locally alone despite its relatively low currency appreciation relative even though actual central bank balance sheets currently hold almost 1. Consequently, long term interventions must focus principally largely externally unless otherwise implemented economically effectively globally although analysts' estimates assume substantial costs resulting mainly offshore investments simply reflect potential global fluctuations caused partially offsetting interest payments imposed throughout Europe whilst maintaining full sovereign debt obligations held predominantly downstream worldwide."