Eps 32: I got a bit carried away here


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Content creation: GPT-3.5,


Heidi Cook

Heidi Cook

Podcast Content
It was about 6pm on April 24, and just moments after the tornado, an E-F4, struck the town of Haltom, Texas, that my dad passed away. It swung right into the chill of winter right after the E-F4 tornado, so cold you could not go outside to see. I looked out of the drivers side window, noticed that the wind was getting a bit stronger; a few of our camping chairs were blowing around.
My cousin said that his friends house had just been hit..I remember that it got really dark, real quick. My sister had one of her temper tantrums, Albus Dumbledore was not young like his wife, Kendra Dumbledore, and...it was a freak incident. Three muggle kids were forcing their way through a hedge in their backyard, and my sister got kinda carried away trying to stop these tiny weirdos from doing that, because she was unable to show them any magic.
My friends carried me back to my mother. I got kind of carried along, sliding around to buy it, we were carried away.
If you only wanted three boats, or some other combination, simply buy a set once, qualify for three items that you need, and never consider again. Once you buy a MEGA Carry Away Bundle, and select one of the ships, you will immediately have this ship unlocked for all of your characters, as well as any characters in the future. If you want just upgrades, you can buy the Bundle once, pick upgrades three times, and receive 30 upgrades.