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Eps 1: Feminazism


According to The Oxford Dictionary of American Political Slang, it refers (pejoratively) to "a committed feminist or a strong-willed woman".
The term is used to characterize feminist perspectives as extreme in order to discredit feminist arguments, portraying feminists as bossy and hating men and femininity .
Feminazi: the go-to term for trolls out to silence women" .

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Stacey Pena

Stacey Pena

Podcast Content
It seems that the insidious term "feminism," coined by shock jock Rush Limbaugh in the 1990s, has slipped into common usage. Slowly but surely it has become a catch - all terms used to silence women who call sexism "sexism" - and it seems to be silencing women.
Feminazi is a term used pejoratively to describe feminists who are perceived as extreme or radical, or as women who are at the most radical end of feminism. Until recently, feminazi was a word largely confined to the dark corners of the Internet, pejorative of any woman perceived by some as "extreme" or "radical," or who aspired to superiority over men rather than equality. Every time you call someone a feminist, you equate the fact that women have the same rights as men, such as the right to education, health care and housing, with mass murder.
For simplicity's sake, a feminist is someone who supports women's rights, and the whole idea of feminism is better than feminism, even if you have problems with it.
On the other hand, feminazis believe that men are the enemy and must be defeated at all costs. Men are often reluctant to be identified as feminists, when in fact they could be one of them.
The most common perception is that feminism is about women being superior to men, which has led to the birth of the new word feminazi. A feminist is someone who fights for equal rights for men and women. On the other hand, feminazis are someone who is a radical feminist and has been advocating feminism for so long that people have started calling them "feminazi."
People often hesitate to call themselves feminists, especially men, but frankly, that annoys me, and I'm sorry about that.
The Guy's Guide to Feminism (Rev. 743) is the perfect book to make your guy read for the first time, or at least read feminism for the first time.
The most common perception is that feminism is about women being superior to men, which has led to the birth of a new word: feminazi. Feminazi is someone who is a radical feminist and has been advocating feminism for so long that people have started calling her feminists and feminists. Women who advocate gender equality are not, they are called "feminazi," and this diminishes the true meaning of the original term.
To ensure that we are not trivialised, we must eradicate toxic portmanteaus such as feminazi immediately.
When someone is labelled a feminazi on Twitter, the other trolls are just waiting for them. I remember watching a video about being a feminist and being a lesbian and hating men, and the ignorant insult "feminazi" has the potential to damage the general view of those fighting for women's rights, because knowledge of what feminism really means is not readily available.
Feminism, which seeks to spread equal rights for women and men by equating female qualities with those of men, is a nationalist ideology that belies Nazism. Despite this difference, some people insist on using the term "feminazi," or a combination of the two, to describe feminists. Some campaigned while waving swastikas, and some campaigned with a swastika on their hats.
This sentence trivialises the horrors of Nazi Germany and damages an important human rights movement. It is often used to describe a woman who is obsessed with "perpetuating" or "persecuting."
This term was coined by my best friend, a highly respected professor, to describe women who are hostile to any viewpoint that challenges militant feminism. I prefer to call the most obnoxious feminists what they really are, which is really just a euphemism for their anti-feminist views.
The modern, self-described feminist is generally humourless, misandry, petty, embittered. Feminazi is best described as a militant feminist with a fine-sounding title, such as "feminist feminist" or "feminist activist." They use feminist ideology as a pretext to confirm absolutely every resentment born in humanity as a whole, and to be able to act independently against those who do not manifest their mindless zeal. They legitimise the militant fascism that lurks in the ranks of militant feminism, as well as other forms of anti-feminism.
Most tellingly, they would write off everything I have just said as a lie: "I have had enough of patriarchy all my life.
So it's no real surprise that the term "feminazi" has popped up on my Facebook feed and that Sydney girls have become a typical feminazi because they are women who don't want men to open doors for them. Even more disturbing about the way it organizes feminism into good and bad forms is that it is generally perpetrated by people who, at best, dislike feminism. By declaring that some elements of feminism have worked, while declaring radical fringe movements irrational and anti-democratic, they absolve themselves of any responsibility for persistent, difficult, and disturbing activism.