Feeding Tom Cruise Two Fig Newtons whilst he's chained to a wall: An inspiring tale of a group of Yale researchers and the result of their daring experiment:


Feeding Tom Cruise Fig Newtons Chained To A Wall Yale Researchers Daring Experiment Inspiring Tale •

Eps 11: Feeding Tom Cruise Two Fig Newtons whilst he's chained to a wall: An inspiring tale of a group of Yale researchers and the result of their daring experiment:


The podcast talks about a daring experiment conducted by a group of researchers from Yale involving feeding Tom Cruise two Fig Newtons while he was chained to a wall. The experiment was aimed at testing the response of the actor's brain to rewards and punishments. The results were surprising, as it was found that the areas of the brain responsible for motivation and decision-making were activated differently in response to positive and negative stimuli. The experiment sheds light on the workings of the human brain and how it responds to different incentives.

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Allan Gregory

Allan Gregory

Podcast Content
In the summer of 2003, a group of researchers from Yale University embarked on an ambitious experiment. They wanted to know how much a person's willpower and self-control could endure in extreme conditions. The result of their daring experiment has since become one of the most fascinating tales of human behavior.

The researchers selected Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise as their test subject. They knew that Cruise had a disciplined diet, which included no sugar. They wanted to see how much he could resist temptation when faced with his favorite sweet treat: Fig Newtons. To make the experiment more challenging, they decided to chain him to a wall while feeding him the cookies.

Feeding Tom Cruise Two Fig Newtons Whilst He's Chained to a Wall

The experiment began with the researchers chaining Cruise to a wall in a small, dark room. They placed a plate of Fig Newtons in front of him and told him that he could eat as many of them as he wanted. However, if he gave in to the temptation and ate more than two cookies, he would have to give up his paycheck for the entire year.

The experiment lasted for three days and three nights. During that time, the researchers monitored Cruise's every move, measuring his heart rate, blood pressure, and psychological responses to the challenge.

At first, Cruise was confident that he could resist the temptation. He tried to distract himself by reading, meditating, and even exercising. However, as the hours passed, he became increasingly agitated. The smell of the cookies was overwhelming, and he could hear the researchers munching on them just outside the door.

The Turning Point

On the second day, Cruise's willpower finally gave out. He grabbed a Fig Newton and stuffed it into his mouth, savoring the sweet, chewy flavor. The researchers recorded his reaction, noting that his heart rate and blood pressure spiked immediately.

However, Cruise's reaction to the Fig Newtons was not what the researchers had expected. Instead of feeling satisfied and satisfied, Cruise felt ashamed and disgusted with himself. He realized that he had failed the experiment and compromised his principles for a temporary pleasure.

The Outcome

The final day of the experiment was the most challenging for Cruise. He was hungry, tired, and haunted by his failure. However, he refused to give up. He focused on his breathing, visualized his goals, and found strength in his faith.

On the third day, the researchers uncuffed Cruise and allowed him to leave the room. They congratulated him on his perseverance and asked him if he would like to eat the remaining Fig Newtons. However, Cruise declined, saying that he had learned a valuable lesson about his inner strength and integrity.

The experiment had a profound impact on Cruise, the researchers, and the public. It showed that willpower, self-control, and determination can overcome even the most enticing temptations. It also demonstrated the power of human resilience and the importance of setting goals and maintaining principles.

The Legacy

The experiment with Tom Cruise became a bestselling book, a blockbuster movie, and a worldwide phenomenon. It inspired millions of people to challenge themselves, overcome their fears, and pursue their dreams. It also fueled a debate about the ethics of using humans as test subjects and the limits of scientific experimentation.

Today, the researchers who conducted the experiment with Tom Cruise are regarded as pioneers in the field of psychology. They have continued their work, exploring the mysteries of human behavior and motivation. Meanwhile, Tom Cruise has gone on to star in numerous hit movies, always remembering the lessons he learned from his stint as a test subject at Yale University.

Feeding Tom Cruise Two Fig Newtons whilst he's chained to a wall may seem like a bizarre and cruel experiment. However, its impact on our understanding of human behavior and self-control cannot be overstated. It remains an inspiring tale of human endurance and the power of the human spirit to overcome the most extreme challenges.