Eps 4: Do You Think a Rapidly Integrating Global Community is Good for the Future of Mankind?


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Troy Kennedy

Troy Kennedy

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This process of globalization deifies the market, even as it commodifies the land and its resources, if not the people themselves, who become the pawns of economic production. Your own worth and dignity in this process of globalization is measured by your ability to contribute to market profits. But gain or loss in this era of globalization, it is the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable who suffer from rising prices, declining government support for essential social and environmental programs, business disruption, rising unemployment and rising human rights violations. The pernicious effects of globalization, which allow small groups of people to do great harm, make it necessary to create a world community that shares American values.
But there are also good reasons to believe that the United States will succeed in integrating the rest of the world into the Western world order. However, the continuing gap between unity and integration in the modern world order portends further tensions and conflicts until its institutions and governance processes can adjust to both the universalizing and localizing effects of globalization. Seen from this perspective, the conflicts discussed above reflect the growing determination of the peoples of the world to promote alternative agendas to those currently driving globalization and thus to participate in the decisions that determine the future of their planet; a definition that should be seen as democratic in the broadest sense of the word. It is reasonable to assume that the pace of accelerating these changes will eventually link humanity and technology to new types of decision making with real-time global feedback.
However, the world is in a race between the introduction of ever better ways to improve people's lives and the seemingly ever-increasing complexity and magnitude of global problems. The global challenges facing humanity are transnational and transinstitutional in nature. There are balancing integrative forces and many signs of progress, including globally at the United Nations and elsewhere, that need to be strengthened and expanded if we are to avoid disruption and make the necessary paradigm shift and fundamental transition to the future. more sustainable, as suggested by the 2030 Agenda. The world may need to move from being governed by a patchwork of sometimes conflicting national government policies to one increasingly governed by coordinated and mutually supportive global policies implemented by at the national and local levels.
While many people criticize globalization as a potential impact on culture, it is becoming increasingly clear that cultural change is necessary to solve global problems. Globalization is not only an economic phenomenon, but also a political, cultural, military and environmental phenomenon. Globalization is not new; Networks of interdependence spanning continents grew rapidly in the decades leading up to World War I as the steam engine and telegraph reduced transportation and information costs. What distinguishes globalization today is the speed and volume of cross-border contacts.
The prophets of globalization have trumpeted its benefits, especially how increased flows of goods, services, and capital across borders can stimulate economic activity and increase wealth. With regard to medicine, globalization has produced the effect of "leveling" and "convergence", in which previously less developed countries and regions are rapidly catching up with more developed ones.
Globalization means the acceleration of movements and exchanges across the planet. One of the consequences of globalization is that it facilitates and increases interaction between different regions and populations throughout the world. In geography, globalization is defined as a set of processes that facilitate relationships between societies and people around the world.
It is a progressive process by which exchanges and flows between different parts of the world are intensified. G20 leaders gather for an annual summit to discuss and agree on pressing global issues of mutual interest. While the economy and trade are usually at the center of all agenda topics, issues such as climate change, migration policy, terrorism, the future of work or global prosperity are also recurring topics.
Expanding international cooperation Effective and credible international cooperation mechanisms that are perceived as legitimate and capable of acting on behalf of humanity and not on behalf of a particular group of countries are absolutely essential if the world is to solve the problem of finding the right balance between environmental concern and policies that must underpin that concern, and the need to ensure that the world economy develops in such a way that there are opportunities for all, especially the poor and the underprivileged, in the context of peace and security. Regional and global scenarios are not currently available and would benefit from a clear account of the views, perspectives and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, their knowledge and understanding of larger regions and ecosystems and their desired development paths in the future.
As we define our collective vision for a global recovery in 2021, recognizing and making decisions based on the value of nature will be essential to building a better world. We also believe that conservation should be both the centerpiece of the economic rescue plans that world leaders are developing in response to the emerging global recession, and the cornerstone for creating a new sustainable economy.
Due to the global pandemic, we are witnessing unprecedented calls to transform human societies and economies and restore the relationship between people and nature. Abstract Globalization—the ever-increasing transnational flow of money, goods, people, ideas, and information around the world—is widely regarded as one of the most powerful forces shaping our current and future history. While we are seeing rapid changes in local and global processes, we are also seeing the growth and involvement of individuals and civic organizations in building equitable, participatory and sustainable communities.
Globalization faces many challenges through the work and presence of NGOs and other civil society entities at all levels of government – ​​local, national, regional and global. In the age of globalization, the struggle to recognize human dignity and uphold human rights has become more complex and complex.
Second, as we have seen, there are indications that many of the contemporary consequences of economic and cultural globalization are not being accepted as legitimate by the growing number and diversity of populist groups around the world. These moments indicate the need for a new understanding of old problems, and in this sense, the problems of globalization are problems of the world order.
Despite advances in conservation and policy implementation, the report also notes that the global goals for the conservation and sustainable use of nature and achieving sustainability cannot be achieved with the current trajectories and targets for 2030. and beyond can only be achieved through transformational change. at the economic, social, political and technological levels. The areas of the world that are expected to experience significant adverse impacts from global changes in climate, biodiversity, ecosystem functions and nature's contributions to people are also areas with large concentrations of indigenous peoples and many of the world's poorest communities. The actors of global governance, for example, focus more on interventions in poor countries, because they are guided primarily by a “narrow” understanding of security rather than thinking about long-term development problems or about the “everyday” insecurities of people in different parts of the world. peace.