Eps 1: district 31 serie

district 31

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Lisa Reed

Lisa Reed

Podcast Content
This article tells the story of District 31, a French- and Belgian-produced series that is gaining popularity. It discusses the challenges of producing a daily show, and how talented individuals are necessary to make it successful.
The District 31 Serie is an electronic mailing list that provides weekly messages to its subscribers. The list includes email addresses of those who register for the district news updates. It's been gaining huge popularity since its launch, and this is largely due to its openness and understanding of the needs of parents and students.
District 31 Serie continues to be a success and the original version of the series provides work for many people from Belgium, France, and other countries. It is a daily series that follows the lives of those living in a poor district of Paris. Despite financial and technical constraints, it has managed to gain an international following for its honest portrayal of life on the streets of Paris.
Aetios Productions has been creating a daily show since 2008 and is now pondering a new project. In 2015 alone, the company created over 5,000 script pages. The need for particular skill sets to create such a large amount of content was paramount and so they needed to find individuals who could manage such a very heavy workload. Producer Michel Trudeau and his partner Fabienne Larouche began their District 31 adventure in 2016 when they cast Danielle Trottier as one of the show's main characters. After three years of hard work on stage and in the studio, producer Michel Trudeau and his team completed this ambitious project in 2019.
District 31 is a crime drama that follows the daily lives of officers and investigators who reside in Luc Dionne's talent. This series unites District 31 officers, city police, and work police officers from all over the city at the same police station. The board describing Stanley Field was named after districts second school, which is now a civic leader and company marshall Field. Northfield School has been imagined as an environment depicting solidarity between art and commerce. This series follows the lives of characters in a fictitious police station in Montreal who must navigate their workplace while dealing with personal issues outside of work.