Eps 1584: cute

The too lazy to register an account podcast

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Ronnie Shaw

Ronnie Shaw

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Cuteness works by engaging all of the senses, drawing in our attention intensely, sparking quick brain activity. The adjective cute describes something that is appealing in a pleasant, non-threatening manner. The cleverness, or just-so-ness, of cute is also expressed by the size of the modified noun.
Regardless, you are reinforcing behavior by responding with positive reinforcement when the dogs cute little head-tilts occur. The cute head-tilt trick effectively increases visual field, and allows a dog to more clearly see the persons face and better connect. Even though you recognise a dogs adorable head tilt as a charming doggie trait, the reasoning behind it could have something to do with improved sight and hearing. Doug Jones, visiting scientist of the Department of Anthropology at Cornell University, says the proportions of facial features changes as we grow older, because of changes to both solid tissue and soft tissue, and Doug Jones says that these age-related changes make young animals look the characteristic cuddly look, which is disproportionately smaller snouts, higher foreheads, and larger eyes, compared to their adult counterparts.
A study conducted by Thomas Alley found that infants cephalic head shape actually provoked positive responses from adults, and those babies were considered more cute. A study by Carraker suggested that adult beliefs about an infants personality and expected behaviors can affect adult interactions with an infant, and provided evidence that, as such, the underlying cuteness effect can sometimes be overshadowed for specific infants. Results indicated a link between being overtaken with a positive emotion and the expression of cuteness aggression in both infantile children and baby animals . For both animals and children, the association between ratings and cute aggression was significantly mediated by feelings of overwhelm.
This suggests that there is a link between prior behaviors and experiencing cute aggression in the present study. The mediation makes sense if we conceptualize cute aggression as a way of processing the overwhelming feelings that arise from reacting to something extremely cute. Since N200 is assumed to be the neural correlate of emotional salience, this finding suggests that individuals who perceive the animals being cute to be particularly egregious, and are overcome by these feelings, are experiencing cute aggression.
Research has shown that people will choose to look at the faces of cute babies more than faces of adults, and they will choose to adopt or gift toys to babies who have more adorable faces. Studies also have shown that infants and children prefer cute baby faces as well, and that cuteness influences men and women, even when they are not parents. Studies also have shown that responses to cuteness--and to facial attractiveness more generally--seem similar between cultures as well as within cultures.
This nurturing instinct may even drive our larger sense of cuteness: Research has shown we tend to have feelings for animals that display youthful features. As shown in our interest in not just our infants, but also in other animals infants and babies, cuteness may be helping to evoke compassion and empathy outside of parenthood. For instance, a picture of a cute baby or animal may help charities encourage us to give more money. Children require ongoing attention and care in order to survive, and cuteness is a major way that they receive that.
Babies do not just look cute, with their large eyes, plump cheeks, and button noses, but their infectious laughter and engaging smell make them sound and smell adorable, too. Babies who are initially perceived to be less cute, are made to seem even sweeter by positive infant laughter and smiling.
In 1941, for example, Aldous Huxley wrote about a small child...who looked almost unnecessarily pretty with his claret-coloured blazer and starch-coloured frills. I suppose that Aldous Huxleys use of cute is at once appropriate and indecent, appropriate and unappealing. I meant pretty as a compliment; one friend said that he found the colleagues posing tidy and pleasant. Your dogs cute smile might just be an indication of how willingly it is accepting its subordinate status within your household.
Beauty draws admiration and demands a pedestal; cuteness draws affection and demands a lap. New research suggests cute pictures can activate the same brain reward centers aroused by sex, good food, or psychoactive drugs such as cocaine, which may explain why everyone at Pandas House has a huge smile on their face. This study conducted three experiments to investigate the effects of viewing cute images on later performance of tasks.
Performance, as measured by number of successful trials, increased following viewing cute images more than following viewing images of lower cuteness . Sherman, Haidt, and Coan used images of puppies and kittens as a studys highest stimulus for cuteness across two experiments. As noted earlier, a variety of images were used for the most and least cute animals . Sprengelmeyer conducted three studies where images of European White infants were shown, and 24 young women were asked to evaluate their cuteness on a scale from one to seven.
Future studies should adopt similar methods of manipulating images under animals as well as infants conditions in order to conclusively measure brain activity reflecting cuteness-related aggression.
Kim also revealed during her appearance that Davidson surprised her this year for Valentines Day with a super-sentimental gift, which goes all the way back to their Meet-cute from last October.