Eps 1186: Chitosan Trauma Dressing

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Isobel Graves

Isobel Graves

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This soft, non-woven CF bandage is made of chitosan fibres, which can accelerate hemostasis and wound care in case of arterial bleeding. This biological property includes the ability to be used as a wound dressing to accelerate wound healing. ChitOSan - hemostatic bandages, such as this, are approved bandages for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases.
Hemcon in the HemCon bandage consists of chitosan, a naturally occurring, biocompatible, biodegradable polysaccharide obtained from shrimp shells. In addition to its biological properties as a hemostatic wound dressing based on chITOSAN, it is also coated with sodium hydrogen carbonate , a natural, naturally occurring and bioprocessing poly saccharides obtained from chitsin, the structural element in the exoskeleton of crustaceans.
Chitosan-based products are offered in gauze or dressing forms, which are placed on or poured over the wound. Conventional granular powder superior , chitOSAN blood bandages are superior due to regeneration in penetrating wounds - stimulating effects12 of the BOS. The availability of chITOSan based hemostatic dressing allows the use of a wide range of wound care products, both in the outpatient and inpatient areas.
The lower total costs associated with chitosan-based associations also make it a viable option to resolve possible reimbursement issues. In summary, the use of chITOSan-based hemostatic dressings for trauma treatment requires a combination of a variety of wound care products and their use in a variety of wounds and may be suitable for both outpatient and inpatient care in the emergency room. Living - Dangerous drunken and cross haemorrhages, such as traumatic brain injuries, are the ultimate challenge in optimising trauma care.
In clinical studies, including trauma from bleeding scalp injuries, chitosan bandages (axiostat ) have been observed that significantly shorten the time to hemostasis compared to conventional cotton gauze and heal the wound faster, while remaining roughly the same as Celox and ChitoFlex bandages. The results of this study compared similar advanced chITOSan hemostatic agents with a conventional, non-advanced cotton dressing and a standard hemostatic wound care product were analyzed using animal models. Compared to the results of the study with similar, advanced ChitOSAN hemostatic bandages, we found that the time - until - hemostasis was reached - was significantly shorter in ChitoGuaze bandages compared to conventional mostatic bandages, but not in conventional bandages.
In addition, the process of fluid absorption and healing was increased after 10 days due to the presence of bacteria in the injured tissue and damaged scar tissue, which can be infected through the pores of the bacterial bandage.
In case of moisture, the removal of cotton gauze dressing is easy and patients do not feel pain due to trauma. The dryness of the wound and the change of bandages lead to more pain and trauma for the patient.
While civil war trauma and affective haemostasis are a key challenge in emergency medicine, bleeding is one of the most common causes of death. Bleeding is also a factor when emergency workers are called to deal with a severed artery, gunshot wound or traumatic brain injury.
The protocols for controlling bleeding usually only include the standard dressing for direct pressure, but chitosan-based dressing has become widely used in military traumatic wound environments where massive bleeding often leads to exhaustion of the coagulation factors. In the case of traumatic brain injuries, many of which are also a direct result of haemostasis, a bandage is required that can be enclosed in the first aid kit and worn by soldiers to save lives on the battlefield. This bandage can also be used to control bleeding in other traumatic wounds such as gunshot wounds and traumatic head injuries. The US Department of Veterans Affairs and the United Nations Health Organization both offer a wide range of treatments for traumatic trauma, from standard hemostatic bandages to the use of chitsan-based mostatic bandages.
Over the years, many types of bandages have been used to stop bleeding, including standard hemostatic bandages, chitosan-based mostatic bandages and other non-standard dressing methods.
The most advanced dressings are designed to implant human clotting factors into the dressing to promote wound healing. These adsorbent hemostatic agents are very suitable for large wounds, stop blood loss, accelerate the coagulation profile and stop bleeding. The collagen dressing simulates the extracellular matrix to produce the right mix of collagen and other collagen - rich material to promote human clotting and factors.
Hemostatic bandages are used to remove necrotic tissue, but there is significant bleeding at the wound site. Alginate - Alchinate with its gel-forming properties reduces the patient's pain and makes the removal of wound dressings after trauma much easier and painless than traditional wound treatment. The ability of chitosan dressing to promote blood clotting and control bleeding makes it an ideal choice for dressings to control severe bleeding, especially if the bleeding is caused by a close or deep injury. If a wound is open and accessible, the bleeding - control of a chitsan bandage - cannot be effective unless it is applied in a wide range of conditions, such as the presence of blood in the bloodstream or in an area with a high degree of bleeding.