Eps 5: Applying EQ skills and behaviours at home

Emotional Intelligence Development

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Vincent Jensen

Vincent Jensen

Podcast Content
Emotional self-awareness, which is very similar to the ability of Mayer and Saloveis to perceive emotions, is associated with awareness of their feelings and includes an understanding of how these feelings can affect others; Self-regulation is managing emotions and predicting their effects, similar to "Mind Facilitation" and "Emotion Management"; Motivation is the continuation of continuing to work when faced with obstacles; Empathy - feeling the emotions of others; and social skills, the set of social emotional intelligence skills that help us manage and respond to our interpersonal relationships. Generally, emotion management and comprehension are considered higher-level skills as they rely on the first two to function effectively.
Your ability to manage emotions and recognize and influence others is considered one of the strongest indicators of workplace performance. Although leaders and managers with higher emotional intelligence can help the team collaborate more effectively and determine the specific factors that motivate individuals, the team can also develop its own emotional intelligence. A landmark study conducted by Vanessa Urch Druskat and Steve B. Wolff in 2001 found that team emotional intelligence is an important determinant of overall performance. According to Gorman's model, people with higher EQ are more self-regulating and motivated, which in turn can reduce their tendency to procrastinate, increase self-esteem, and allow them to focus on long-term achievements. - Long-term goals.
People with high EQ use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior. When they achieve their goals, they can easily adjust their emotions according to the environment. They know each other very well and are able to perceive the emotional needs of others.
As more and more people realize that emotional intelligence is as important to professional success as technical prowess, organizations are increasingly using it for recruitment and promotion. It allows us to develop feasible strategies to improve our relationships by enhancing our emotional intelligence skills.
While emotional ability may be natural to some people, there are things that anyone can do to improve their ability to understand and reason with emotions. This can be especially helpful in the workplace, where relationships and business decisions often depend on interpersonal understanding, teamwork, and communication. You can understand the emotions, needs, and fears of others, pick up emotional cues, feel comfortable in society, and recognize the dynamics of power in a group or organization.
Working well with other people is a process that begins with emotional awareness and your ability to recognize and understand what other people are going through. You cannot highlight or enhance the well-being, enhancement, and self-awareness of others without first understanding how you act on an emotional level.
The ability to manage people and relationships is very important to all leaders, so developing and using your emotional intelligence can be a good way to show others the leader within you. From your confidence, empathy, and optimism to your social skills and self-control, understanding and managing your emotions can accelerate success in all areas of your life. Regardless of what professional field you work in, whether you run a team of two or 20, or even yourself, realizing how effectively you control your emotional energy is a great start.
Fortunately, there are a number of lessons you can learn from the psychology of emotion that will enable you to improve your EQ and develop more emotional skills to improve your work and career success. In a competitive work environment, developing your leveling skills is vital to your professional success. While high emotional intelligence skills are easier to reach in people with natural empathy, anyone can develop them.
Less empathic people just need to practice being more aware and aware of how they interact with others. People looking to improve their EI should also frequently test their emotions, control stress, and acknowledge, accept, analyze, and value their emotions. Explain to students that emotion management skills are not fixed but can be developed.
There are approaches used by athletes that can be applied in the classroom: the principles remain the same. Some of these tips we follow ourselves, while others were suggested to us by our wonderful clients and partners who know how to motivate and inspire their teams, but first of all themselves. Emotional intelligence is a set of skills associated with tracking one's own and others' emotions and the ability to use emotions to control one's thinking and actions .
Emotions affect our ability to concentrate, remember, and learn; our ability to form relationships with others; and our physical and mental health . Emotions can precede thoughts, and when our emotions are strong, our brains work differently, reducing our cognitive, decision-making, and interpersonal skills. Uncontrolled emotions can also affect mental health, making people more prone to anxiety and depression and the inability to form lasting relationships. People with high emotional intelligence are also highly aware that their emotions can dictate behavior and affect others.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage your emotions and understand the emotions of those around you. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in a positive way to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome difficulties, and resolve conflicts. Social skills are related to how you perceive emotions and how to interact and communicate with others. Working with empathy and understanding is a fundamental part of teamwork; being able to attribute someone’s actions to hidden emotions will help you manage relationships and make others feel that they are being heard.
Being aware of your emotions is an important first step, but you also need to be able to manage your feelings. Using your own self-awareness, self-management is the ability to regulate your emotions. Everyone, including people with high EQs, experiences bad moods, outbursts, and negative emotions such as anger and stress, but self-management is the ability to control those emotions, not make them control you. The more you become aware of yourself, the easier it becomes; if you can understand how you are feeling and why, you can respond accordingly.
The more attuned you are to your emotions, the easier it will be to evaluate others. And if you can appreciate the feelings of others, it will be easier for you to build and maintain relationships. Finally, social skills are about building relationships with others in order to propel them in the desired direction. It's about understanding how these emotions shape your thoughts and actions so you can better control your behavior and develop the skills to manage yourself more effectively.
Self-awareness is the ability to identify our emotions, emotional triggers, strengths and weaknesses, motivations, values, and goals, and to understand how these affect our thoughts and behaviors. Self-awareness is a clear understanding of one's own strengths, limitations, emotions, beliefs, and motivations. self conscious. Identify your emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviors. You know how your emotions affect you and others, and you don't let your emotions control you.