5 Ways You Can Get More DIGITAL MARKETING While Spending Less


Digital Marketing Spending Less Marketing Strategies Online Marketing Marketing Tactics Cost-effective Marketing

Eps 1746: 5 Ways You Can Get More DIGITAL MARKETING While Spending Less

The too lazy to register an account podcast

This 10-minute podcast discusses five ways businesses can implement digital marketing strategies while spending less money. The first way is to utilize social media channels and collaborate with influencers within your industry to increase reach and engagement. The second way is to optimize your website's search engine rankings by utilizing SEO practices and conducting keyword research. The third way is to create valuable content that can attract and retain customers while also building credibility and authority for your brand. The fourth way is to utilize email marketing campaigns to maintain relationships with customers and encourage repeat business. The fifth and final way is to track and analyze data to gain insights into customer behavior and optimize marketing strategies accordingly. By implementing these strategies, businesses can effectively market themselves online while minimizing costs.

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Hugh Kuhn

Hugh Kuhn

Podcast Content
Digital marketing has become crucial for businesses in the modern world. As more and more consumers turn to the internet to research and buy products, businesses must establish a strong digital presence to keep up with their competition. However, marketing campaigns can be expensive and may not always guarantee the expected results. Therefore, finding ways to get more digital marketing while spending less becomes essential. In this podcast, we will discuss 5 ways you can increase your digital marketing while spending less.

1. Social media marketing

Social media platforms are among the most effective and least expensive ways to market your business. With billions of users active on social media, it offers a vast pool of potential customers for businesses. Creating social media pages and engaging with your audience can help build brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and boost your online reputation. The best part is that social media marketing is free or relatively inexpensive compared to traditional advertising.

2. Video marketing

Video marketing has become increasingly popular over the years, and for a good reason. Videos have been proven to be more engaging, entertaining, and informative than plain text or images. Therefore, producing and sharing short videos on social media or your website can attract more traffic to your site and increase your brand's visibility. Video marketing can be cost-effective, as you can create videos in-house with smartphones or affordable cameras.

3. Content marketing

Content marketing refers to the creation and sharing of relevant and valuable content to attract and retain an audience. This can include blogs, articles, whitepapers, newsletters, and case studies. The advantage of content marketing is that it establishes businesses as thought leaders in their industry. Additionally, it's a low-cost approach to improve SEO ranking; the more quality content a website has, the better its ranking on search engines like Google.

4. Email marketing

Email marketing is a practical and cost-effective way of keeping in touch with customers. It's an excellent way of promoting products and services to potential customers and sending reminders to existing ones. Additionally, email marketing enables businesses to personalize their message to the individual customer, creating a loyal customer base and increasing customer retention. Services like Mailchimp offer free services for SMEs and businesses with those just starting and with small email lists allow them to send professional-looking emails with built-in templates.

5. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of optimizing the website to rank higher on search engine results pages. SEO includes keyword research, website optimization, mobile-friendliness, and link building. SEO is a long-term, cost-effective strategy for increasing website traffic and generating leads. Proper SEO techniques can push your website to the top of the search results without spending extra money on paid ads of any kind.


Digital marketing plays a crucial role in building and enhancing a business's online presence. However, not all businesses can spend a lot on robust marketing campaigns. The strategies discussed in this podcast- social media, video, content marketing, email marketing, and SEO- all offer low-cost approaches to promoting your business online. By using these techniques, businesses can improve their digital marketing while saving money.